Ch7: Personal Space

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"H-Hanako-kun! What are you doing here!?" Yashiro whispered under her book. Hanako giggled.
"You wouldn't stay with me. So I'll stay with you!" He said with a cute smile. Yashiro took a deep breath.
"I really appreciate that. Demo(but)... Hanako-kun...I would love some personal space." She whispered twirling a small part of her hair. Hanako looked at her.
"P-Personal space huh?" He asked. Unexpectedly, Hanako clung on to Yashiro's hair.
"NEVER!" He said childishly. Yashiro gave him a serious look.
"You're starting to remind me of Tsukasa-kun..." She said slowly. Hanako let go of her. He came down and looked her in the eyes. Yashiro was getting scared slowly. Hanako kept looking her in the eye with a mad expression.
"Tsukasa? I'm starting to remind you of...Tsukasa?" He asked, shifting to a sad expression.
"Umm... kinda?" She said. Hanako looked at her and gave a frail smile.
"S-sorry Yashiro. I don't want you to be away from me. You're the one I always wanted and I can't lose you. Because...I...I love you ok!?" Hanako said tilting his hat towards his face. Yashiro looked at him as he walked away from her.

Yashiro's thoughts:
YEESSSSS! IM SOO HAPPY! THE ONE I THOUGHT I HAD A CRUSH ON ACTUALLY CONFESSED! This is the best day ever. I will treasure this day until I die! Now, it's my chance, to go confess to him.

Before she knew it, Hanako was gone. She looked around in her classroom to find Hanako missing. After class, Yashiro ran to find Hanako-kun. She bumped into Kou and fell down.

"S-Senpai! Daijobu desu ka?(are you alright?)"
"Y-Yeah. I'm good." She replied. Kou then felt something hit him. He couldn't feel himself. He fell down, unconscious.
"M-Minamoto-kun!?" Yashiro shouted. She knelt down to see if he was ok. Kou slowly woke up and saw her face.
"Minamoto-kun! What happened?"
"Senpai, you look so pretty today." He replied. Yashiro gave a confused look. Kou grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the floor.
"I've always wondered what your lips taste like?" He said coming closer. In a blink of and eye, Hanako came right in the middle, holding their lips away from each other. He hugged Yashiro.
"Senpai, come to me." Kou said, sounding drunk. Hanako neared him and found a small blade with a heart, on Kou's back. He pulled it out. Kou then fell unconscious again. He woke up after a few secs.
"What happened? Senpai? Hanako?" He started as he got up. Hanako took out the blade and showed them.
"Kirei desu(Its pretty)" Yashiro said.

"What is that, Hanako?" Kou asked

"Its a blade of love. These fall out at random times. Its rare to be hit by one though. It was the one you got hit by boy."

Yashiro looked at Hanako. She felt shy on confessing back to him.

Hanako-kun's acting as if he didn't even do anything important today. I wonder what he will do if I ask him. Maybe I should shoo Minamoto-kun away so that we both will have some alone time together. What should I do!?

"Yashiro? Are you ok? You seem to be deep in thought." Hanako asked. Yashiro looked back and gave a cute smile.
"Y-Yeah. I am." She said.
Hanako gave her a look. He hugged Yashiro tightly.

"Is it about what I said to you in class?" He asked, getting hit by Kou at the back. Yashiro gasped...

What do I say?! He did see right through me....!

To be continued...


Hi everyone! Hope you're all safe. So, don't be upset, but Ch8 or Ch9 might be the end of this fanfic. But I will be working on the other one. I will try my best to make sure that "Back in Time" at least lasts 17 chapters or something. Check that out to kay? Love y'all


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