Notice Me

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A/N: I'm hoping you guys enjoy this chapter and please leave your thoughts, comments, subscribe etc on what you think! I'm keen to hear what you guys have to say. Enjoy xD

Now Playing..."Notice Me - David Archuleta"

Morning's were always a routine. It was no different for anyone. Everyone has their mornings whether their either good, bad or ordinary.

Kang Seulgi always took the same train in the morning, the 9am to be exact.

As for waiting for the train, she always waited at a specific spot on the platform where the second carriage would always arrive at and alight from. She would always sit on the exact same seat, three spots away from the door, the perfect location for her and not too far away from the exit. Her reason for such choice, was because in case anything happened like a fire breaking out, a fight or anything out of the ordinary that would happen on her daily commute, she would be one of the first to escape and leave the scene. It created a sense of ease and solace, that besides work, this routine of hers in the second carriage of the train was like another humble abode for her.

It was a routine she started back 2 years ago, ever since she started working as a dance teacher, having turned to Seoul, a metropolis that many kids who grew up in the further outskirts like herself dreamed of heading to. To seek and exhaust endless opportunities and to find their niche and others. It was also in this city, she met her best friend.

Wendy, or in Korean 'Seungwan' was the first person she met once she stepped foot in the city. The girl came from Canada and had advertised that she was looking for a roommate to share her apartment with and divide the costs. She recalls on the advertisement stating that she's bubbly, talkative (very), was a good cook (debatable) and a great singer, which the latter statement Seulgi couldn't agree with more. But at times she found this talent of hers annoying. Who would want someone at 12am in the morning belting out songs of Jessie J or the iconic soundtrack 'Shallow' from 'A Star is Born'?...Yeah that's Wendy.

Regardless, it was like a coincidence as Seulgi was on her way to embark on her new life in this supposed haven, but was very well aware living here was no financial ease, perceiving the advertisement as a silver lining. They instantly connected, like they had been friends for a long time. Having the same interests, the same taste in music and even headed to concerts together. Wendy was like her rock, her soulmate in the friendship sense that without her, she probably would have struggled adjusting to the city life.

It was everyday she saw the exact same people on her daily commute, the regulars as you'd call them. And she would often make small talk with a few them, especially the elderly woman who always sat next to her. She was a hearty and bubbly old lady, who is always really happy to see Seulgi and would ask how her previous day went and she would do the same. Seulgi felt a sense of motherly comfort from this lady, often looking forward to speaking to her in the morning before the lady would alight one stop before Seulgi's. She missed her parents dearly, every day without fail as they were back in Ansan. However, talking to this lady made her worries and sadness of missing her parents go away even if it was temporary.

And it was everyday, she saw a specific individual taking the exact same train as her.

The same woman who always stood in the middle section of the carriage, while holding onto the railings and always occupied on her phone.

At times, Seulgi caught herself staring at her a little longer than supposed to that she had to pinch herself to stop doing an obvious and probably, creeping act. She would find herself stealing a glance every now and then within the 10 to 15 minutes she had before the said woman would alight from the train. Her stop was 2 stops before Seulgi's actually, something Seulgi had noted in her mind.

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