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"So Na'Deijah how's California treating you" my mom asked as she took a bite of her steak.

"Wasn't you in the car when dad asked me that" I answered as I cut up Kj's food to bite size. My mother glared at me "little girl watch your tone." I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair with my arms folded.

"How's your aunt Sandra" my dad asked taking a sip of his drink. "She's good" I responded. My aunt Sandra is my mom's older sister she slept with my mom's boyfriend in high school and got pregnant and they're relationship has been damaged ever since.

"So where's your bitch as baby daddy" asked Nadia. "Baby stop" Michael scolded. She shrugged "I mean I just had to ask seeing as he's not with her and never once mentioned him. I think he finally seen her for the slut she was and left her that's probably not even his damn kid."

I had about enough of this shit. "Nevaeh why don't you and kj go play for a bit while the grownups talk" I asked my baby sister as I glared at my older sister.

Once the kids was out of sight I stood up and glanced around the table "I've had a enough of this bullshit everyone in this family besides Nathan and Nevaeh has treated me like shit for the past 3 fucking years. I understand that I got pregnant too young and ruined this family "perfect image" but one thing I do not regret is my son! That little boy is the best thing that ever fucking happened to me and I won't change a damn thing about it! And yes Nadia the father of my child is not in the picture because he wants nothing to do with him so for the past 3 years I've been busting my ass day in and day out to provide for my child and give him a stable home I never fucking had! This family abandoned me when I needed you the most and now you want me to sit here and act like everything is all good? Well news fucking flash it's not and I hate this family everyday for it" I snapped as tears streamed down my face. I turned and stormed out the kitchen and headed towards my bedroom.

I stared at Na'Deijah as she stormed out the room I feel so sorry for her no one shouldn't have to go through that alone. I turned to look at my girlfriend as she chuckled "She such a damn drama queen." "Nadia that's not nice" she snapped her head towards me "Mike you don't know my sister so don't sit here and try to defend her." Nadia said leaning back in her chair.

"Everybody let's just finish eating so we can get ready for bed" Mr.Novak said quietly. Everyone resumed eating and tried to ignore the awkward tension in the air. I stood up and excused myself to the bathroom. As I was heading towards the bathroom I seen Na'Deijah's room door cracked open and her sitting on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands crying.

I softly knocked on her door and she slowly looked up "hi Michael" she said sniffling. "Hey I didn't mean to bother you I was just going to the bathroom and seen your door open so I wanted to come check on you" I responded as I sat beside her.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Michael. Its just I never had the best relationship with my mom or sister. I was considered the wild child so they always hated me and thought I was tarnishing they're oh so great reputation and when I got pregnant it got worse" she sobbed. I rubbed her back comfortably as she cried on my shoulder.

"Look I don't know you or your story but what I do know is that things will get better it just takes time. Just continue being the best mom you can be for Kareem and always keep your best foot forward." I advised. "Thanks Michael" she said while embracing me in a tight hug "No problem, if you need someone to talk to i'll be there you can always find a friend in me". She nodded with a smile as I stood up and continued my way to the bathroom.

•~•~time skip~•~•

It's been a couple of months since the whole incident at my parents house and since then I have returned back to my life in California. After that night Michael and I became best friends and he has formed a strong bond with Kj and became his "father figure" and it's something I am truly grateful for.

"mommy uncle Michael is here" I heard kj yell from the downstairs. I exited my bedroom and descended downstairs and I saw Michael sitting on the couch playing with Kj.

"Hey Michael" I greeted as I pulled him the into a hug. "Hey Deijah" he greeted in return. "What brings you here" I asked as I took a seat next to him.

"I want to talk to you abou-" he was cut off by a knock at the door. "Hold on a second" I told Michael as I stood up to go answer the door. As I approached the door the knocks got heavier.

"Damn hold the fuck up" I said angrily as I yanked my front door open to be met with my sister's angry glare. "Nadia what are you doing in California" I asked as she just barged into my house. I just know this bitch ain't walk up in here like she pay bills.

"Michael didn't tell you?" She said as she stood next to Michael holding on to his arm. I stood confused "Tell me what?" I asked.

"I'm moving to California" she exclaimed happily as she pulled Michael into a passionate kiss. I stood there frozen at the news. This is the worst day of my fucking life.

A/n : hey guys chapter 2 is finally here. I would've updated sooner but I had classes and a 3 page paper to type. Also if it isn't clear Nadia & Michael have well had a long distance relationship and now that Nadia is moving to Cali the drama is about to start up. And sorry for the time skip but I didn't wanna dwell too much on the drama between Na'Deijah and her family but that topic will be brought up again later on. Also I still have cast openings for my new book available so if you want to be in my new book please check out my "Cast Call" book to see how to sign up. Stay safe everybody :) - daisa✨

My Sister's Boyfriend • Michael Jackson FFWhere stories live. Discover now