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The cell. Cold, damp, and small all the same bleak gray. The constant drip, drip from a leak in the ceiling was enough to drive most people mad after a few hours. But this cells occupant wasn't a common person. She was a trained killer.
She was slightly shorter than the average person with long brown hair, an amazingly fit and curved body, she was definitely a gorgeous woman. She had got caught by the castle guard by getting in a street fight. She of course won the fight but let the guards detain her. You see, her current contract was in the castle. And the dungeon is in the heart of the castle. Her plan: get caught, get sent to jail, escape, hunt her target, who was a Sev Elite, and then to collect her pay. She had researched her target thoroughly. His name was Cal. He was a member of the Sev Elite, a high ranking group of soldiers. They are highly trained in many different forms of combat. The Sev Elite was split again into weapon specialized squads. Each squad has two pikes men at the front, followed by one archer, and at the rear three swordsman. They were a force to be reckoned with. But Aubrey first had to get out of the cell. Currently she was sitting on the ground, eyes closed, in a mediative position. She was waiting for the right time to put the next step of her plan into action.
Aubrey slowly stood up and walked towards the cell door. The cell guard stood slightly away from the cell but close enough to hear her coming. He turned to face the cell to make sure she didn't try anything. Aubrey got really close to the cell and smiled at the guard sweetly.
" How are you today?" she asked the guard.
" Who wants to know?" he answered gruffly.
Aubrey gave him a hurt look, before Replying, " I want to know. It looks to me like you haven't had any fun for a long while."
The guard stared into her eyes for awhile before letting his gaze slide down her perfect body. He smiled mischievously.
" It has been awhile. But I don't think my superiors want me having fun with the prisoners."
Aubrey again gave him a hurt look.
" They don't have to know."
The guard sighed before saying, " I'm sorry I can't."
Aubrey sighed softly and moved to the end of the cell. Then she got an idea. She began running her hands down her body and moaning. The guard couldn't resist the impulse to look into the cell to see what she was doing. She continued moaning and saw the guards increased interest. She beckoned him closer. The guard unable to resist any longer hurriedly opened the cell door and rushed toward her. Aubrey was ready. As he reached out to grab her she grabbed his arm and used his momentum to send him crashing into the wall. Nose broken and head ringing, the guard got up and faced Aubrey. He sent a punch at her. She nimbly grabbed his wrist and twisted it around his back, then pushed him against the wall. The guard was confused and didn't even realize he was pinned up against the wall, until Aubrey slammed her fist into his temple. The guard was out cold. Aubrey stood for a moment looking at her handy work, before grabbing the dropped keys and locking the cell door, with the guard still inside it. With that, she proceeded onto the next step of her plan. Now she was in hunting mode, and nothing would get in between her and her target and live.

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