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The sun was setting in all it's glory, the sky was a beautiful canvas with shades of pink, orange and golden.
Altamash Shah was standing in front of the giant window, relishing the view.
He loved sunsets; sunsets were a hope that a new sun will rise again.
Hashim was sitting on the huge beige couch that was in the middle of the room, his black eyes taking notice of Altamash's tensed shoulders, the way he was scratching the back of his neck frequently. A habit of his; when he had a lot on his mind.

Hashim had called him, Altamash turned around to stare at him.
A hint of smile on his dark pink lips.

"Hashim! Now you will ask me what's wrong right?"
Altamash chuckled, they both knew each other so well.
Altamash was only transparent in front of Hashim.
They had shared joy, sorrows, pain, grief through out these 11 years they had spent together.
They weren't brothers by blood, but they shared a sacred bond together.

"You know me so well, Bhai jaan! Now, please tell me what's on your mind"
Altamash moved towards Hashim and sat in front of him.

"Nehaal Malik"
Altamash replied while crossing his arm on his chest. 

"Ohh our bhabi"
Hashim teased, Altamash threw an unimpressed glance at his way.

"Bhabi? She's not your bhabi Hashim. She's just a girl who I got infatuated with"
It seemed like Altamash was convincing himself.

"Why not? She deserves to be called bhabi. No girl has ever denied you Bhai. She seems pertinent to rule beside you"
Hashim was opening doors for new thoughts and that's what Altamash liked about him the most.

"What if she doesn't want the same?"
Altamash asked, scratching the back of his neck again, this question was bugging him since the last time he saw her.

"Go for the halal way Bhai. She's not someone who you can use for a night and then dump afterwards"
Hashim walked towards the mini bar, and poured some whiskey in two hurricane glasses.

"Halal way?"
Altamash raised his brows in question and took the glass that Hashim was offering him.

"Marry her..."
Hashim sat in front of him again and then continued.

"...you asked me to do a search on her right? She have a friend; Hassan Ali.
They seems to be very good friends. Bhabi is very close to him, they even go on trips together. Let me show you a few pictures of them together"
Hashim tapped on his iPhone and walked towards Altamash again, handing him the phone.
Altamash stared back at the luminous screen where his doe stood beside a guy; the guy was good looking with forest green eyes with a 5'o clock shadow, he had his arm wrapped around Nehaal as they smiled brightly at the camera.
Nehaal Malik looked even more enticing while smiling.
Altamash felt the green jealousy gnawing at him.
How bad he wanted to be the reason for her smile.
Now in a sour mood, he swiped the screen again.
This picture was clicked in front of colosseum ; Rome.
Again, this guy had his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

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