Kamen Rider Evol Returns

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A young teenage boy walks through the woods with his uncle Qrow with weapons in hand training

Qrow:Not bad Crimson you might be able to beat me now

Crimson:Yeah I might be able to now

Qrow:But you still got a long way to go kiddo

Crimson:Oh now it's on old man!

Qrow:Never call me "old"

Crimson chuckles Qrow laughs along with him as they stop fighting and sheath their weapons

Qrow:Ya think your ready for Beacon?

Crimson:Yeah I think so I mean it's still in a few weeks so I still have time to train

Qrow:I think we should head back

Crimson smirks and runs ahead

Qrow:Hey kid!


Qrow smirks and rolls his eyes

Qrow:I think Ruby rubbed off on him a little bit

He then runs after Crimson and realizes he's way too far off


As Crimson runs through the forest he hears growls he stops running and draws his sword he sees multiple Grimm surrounding him and growls

Crimson:Well...I'm fucked

The Grimm get closer as Crimson gets in a battle stance

Crimson:Even though I've trained with uncle Qrow for five hours straight I still ain't holding anything back

He charges towards a Beowolf it howls at him Crimson uses his semblance as a thorn like whip comes out of his hands he wraps it around the Beowolf's neck he then slashes it's head off he rushes towards an Ursa it swings it's left paw and hits him he gets sent flying back into a tree his aura flickers orange

Crimson:Ow...fuck...that hurt like a mother fucker

He gets back up the Grimm begin to slice him up but Crimson manages to kill a few Grimm during the onslaught of Grimm a red mist watches from afar

???:He's perfect

The Ursa roars and smashes Crimson to the ground injuring him severely


The Grimm get closer to finish him off but before that happened a red mist engulfs his body and heals some of the wounds

???:So your giving up huh?

Crimson:W-Who are you?

???:That will be answered in due time for now sleep

Crimson's eyes go lifeless as the mist fully engulfs him the Grimm look on confused as Crimson stands up his hair turns white

Crimson:Good to be back

He raises his hands as it glows red and blue a object appears in his hands



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