Just *One* More Night

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After profusely thanking Lucy over fifty times for taking her in the night before in such terrible condition, Emma put away her empty plate that was not ten minutes ago filled with waffles and strawberries, and claimed that she had to go, but needed to make a call first.  Lucy agreed, and now Emma was on the phone with her husband, Tom Zotus, with Lucy sitting awkwardly on the couch in the spacious light-blue colored living room anxiously biting her nails as she watched her guest.

"Hey honey," she said tiredly, looking down at where she was absentmindedly playing footsie with the landline.  With all the sleep she got, she thought she would be well rested, but it seemed that her circadian rhythm  thought otherwise.  "I just called to let you know that I stayed the night at a friend's and I should be heading home soon."

"What were you doing out?  We had a date set last night and you didn't show up!  I know things have been rocky lately what with me being so involved in the business and all, but that's no excuse to go and fuck whoever you please.  You know our understanding," Tom said on the other end.  Although Lucy couldn't hear the words coming out of his mouth from where she sat, she could hear the very clear angry tone of his voice.  It almost seemed threatening. 

Thankfully, Emma seemed un-phased by his attitude, and went on to defend herself in a calm, controlled manner.  "Thomas.  You know I would never do anything of the sort to you...and if I did, you would be able to tell from a mile away. Anyways, I'm staying at a woman's house, and we both know I don't play for that team."  She laughed a little at her own comment, and started playing with the curly phone cord of the old phone like she was a mere sixteen year old girl from the fifties talking to her beau.  

Unfortunately, Tom didn't take her commentary well at all. "Oh, so you're just talking about me behind my back with your little 'friend,' instead of spending quality time with me.  Well you know what?  Go screw yourself.  We're done until you grow up, Emma."

"Wait! I--" but it was too late, he cut her off and hung up the phone.  Sighing, Emma put her end back on it's hook, and sat down dejectedly, looking at the ground as if she wanted it to swallow her up.  Why does Tom always think the worst of me?  After all we've been through, after all I've given him...Forgetting Lucy was sitting right next to her, Emma went to curl up on the rest of the couch, only to accidentally land her head in Lucy's lap.  Startled, she sat up suddenly with a curse, and looked apologetically at Lucy.  

"Shit I'm sorry Luce," she said, pushing her hair behind her ears and looking up at her newfound friend.  "I didn't realize you were sitting there.  Tom's got me all wound up, and I have a hard time paying attention when my mind's elsewhere."  Emma looked down at her hands and frowned. "Over the past couple years, we been going through a rocky time..."

Shaking her head violently and holding her hands up, Lucy said "Really, it's no big deal.  My friends land on me all the time...and if I'm not too forward in saying this, you told him I was a friend, right?  So no harm done." Lucy smiled warmly at the blonde, her brown eyes crinkling in the most heartwarming way as she gazed into Emma's blue ones.  Reaching out, she took Emma's hand in a comforting gesture, and peered curiously at the girl she had pretty much rescued yesterday at the bar.  "So how long have you two been married?" she asked.   "You don't seem much older than twenty-two..."  She drifted off mid-sentence, unsure of how she was originally going to end that statement.

Emma looked at Lucy for a long moment before realizing she still had to answer her question, and shook her head.  "Let's just say...we've known each other for as long as I can remember."  She smiled halfheartedly at Lucy, and looked down at their entwined hands for a minute before looking back at the red head.  "Do you have anyone?"

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