Late night snack

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  Raven tossed and turned, unable to sleep due to the increase of growls coming from her stomach. She groaned and turned on her phone to check the time. 



 She sat up and looked around for any sign of food, or at least something edible. After a few minutes of scanning the dorm room she spotted Apple's apple shape bag. She always carries snacks in there, right? She licked her lips and closed her eyes as she  imagined the taste of food. She reopened them and looked over to her roommate's sleeping form. She should probaly ask her first before rummaging through her bag, right? Raven turned around and picked up a pillow from her bed. She closed one eye, perfecting her aim before throwing the pillow with all the strength she could muster at apple. 

  It missed her completely. Wonderful. 

  She tried again. Another miss. She tried over and over until any form of pillow was on Apple's side of the room. 

"Son of a-" Raven whispered before an idea popped in her head. She stood up and ran as fast as she could before jumping on Apple's bed. She landed right next to her before rolling off the bed and onto the wooden floor. Raven growled along with her stomach, standing next to the Royal's bed, glaring at her. 

"I swear she has some form of forcefield or something." She sighed. She tried poking her, shaking her, snatching her blanket off her, everything she could think of. Apple still continued to snore. Giving up, Raven decided to just go through her friend's bag and apologise in the morning. She opened the bag, excitement coursing through her. 

There was nothing. Not even a speck of dust. how- why? Raven roared and threw the bag at Apple. She still slept. Raven rolled her eyes and plopped back on her bed. Covering her face with her fuzzy, purple blanket, she sobbed. 

"G-g-great. Now I'm s-s-sobbing over s-s-ome d-d-amn food! Stupid dragon making me miss not only lunch but dinner too!" She yelled, sitting up and punching her bed. "I swear it feels like my stomach is trying to eat itself.." 

  Suddenly an idea appeared in her mind. Why doesn't she just sneak into the castleteria's kitchen? No one would even notice! She could just grab a quick snack and be out of there in a flash! She smiled to herself, wiped her eyes and nose on the sleeves of her night gown, and headed down stairs.


   As Ramona finally settled down for bed after finishing her letter for her mother, she heard footsteps passing by her dorm. Who could possibly be up walking around at this time of night? She got up and carefully walked out her door. She saw what seemed to be light coming from some form of flash light or something, heading down the stairs. She followed it from a distance, not wanting to be noticed. 


  Raven, with the use of her mirrorphone's flashlight, was able to successfully sneak into the casteteria's kitchen and grab a leftover bagel. She sat against the wall and took a wolf sized bite, savoring the taste. Who knew bagels tasted this good when you're starving. She stayed like this for a few moments before she heard a voice, causing her to jump.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Little Raven Queen stealing from the school's food supply, I see." Ramona Badwolf laughed, her silver eyes glowing due to Raven's flashlight.

"I-I can explain-" Raven said nervously.

"No need. If you needed food that bad you could have just asked. I have a whole stash of food in my dorm." Ramona smiled, sitting next to Raven.

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