ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1.

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  It was late as most of the world was asleep. Daysia had left work baring goodbye to her manager as she walked along the damp pavement, the only thing lighting it up was the dull lamp posts along the sidewalk. She headed home to see her brother, Daniel.
    It was a rather cold night. The wind blew with just enough force to send shivers down your spine. It wasn't anything new for spring nights in Busan. The stars lit up the sky as the moon appeared brighter than usual, in its full form.
    To Daysias surprise as she looked up at the canvas of tiny little dots thousands of million miles away, the moon had a sort of red tinge to it. Almost as if it was bleeding. She smiled at the unique sky that sat above her and continued walking.
   As she walked she had felt a presence of someone being near. She looked around cautiously, and saw nothing. Sighing she hastened her pace still paranoid that someone could be near. Soon enough she heard a pair of footsteps not too far behind her. Thinking her mind had been playing tricks, she turned to see a man standing in the dull light. His features barely noticeable but noticeable enough to see that he was rather charming.
  "What is a girl like you doing out and about so late?" He questioned in a low voice. A little too sharp to be asking out of concern.
   "None of your business." She said stiffly before turning around to be faced with the man a few inches before her. A little baffled she looked behind her and back again.
   "Y-you were just behind me how," she sighed thinking to herself, "how did you just teleport in front of me?"
    "I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. Don't you worry." He said smirking playfully at the girl.
   Darkness came upon Daysia as she went unconscious. The man had picked her up and ran into the woods, stealthily running avoiding trees or nearby animals. He continued until he brought her to a mansion secluded in large woods. He brought her down to the old cellar beneath it and set her on the floor before closing the door and locking it assuring himself that she wouldn't escape. Before heading upstairs, he heard muffled groans before loud screams. He chuckled and walked back seeing the girl on the ground yelling too loud for comfort.
     "Quiet down geez, I'm not going to kill you...yet." He teased finding the situation rather amusing.
    "Who the hell do you think you are?" She asked giving him a venomous glare, piercing a hole through him.
    "That isn't important right now. Rest up, you have a big day ahead of you little one." He said smiling bitterly before leaving her in the cold dark cellar for the night.


   The night was young for Jun. He had been about in the woods sniffing out something go to eat for the night. Upon heading towards a local campsite, he had caught smell of someone quite alluring. Curious, he headed towards the outskirts of the woods to see a young woman walking lonesome across the sidewalk. He shuffled through bushes and such until he found himself walking behind her as she sped up.
     His cravings never deceived him but as soon as he met her face, his cravings went to a stand still as he stood there taking in her features. She was a pet to him, so cute and innocent that he wanted to keep it. And that's exactly what he was going to do, keep her. He took her and brought her back home locking her up before heading upstairs to see a rather grumpy Baekhyun sitting there.
    "Don't play with your food, Jun." he said stiffly shooting him a sharp glare.
    "She isn't food, I have decided to keep her." Jun said protesting as the other rolled his eyes.
    "Just don't kill her, we don't want the town on our asses again because of you." The other male warned before heading back upstairs.
    Jun rolled his eyes before heading upstairs himself and getting comfortable in bed. He laid down and quickly fell asleep awaiting morning to come.


Hey! I decided to make another book heh. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself but I hope you like it! If you don't I may just unpublish it and keep it to read at night when I'm dreaming about Suho;) joking...unless.

755 words

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