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Dr. Hopper sighed. This session was becoming a frustrating one. He had originally been excited when he saw the notice. Mr. Gold had been charged with something (finally), and his sentence was therapy. Which did seem quite lax but of course it was a miracle that he was charged at all.

It, at the time, had seemed like an amazing opportunity to get a look in the mind of a very odd man. A man he didn't quite mind as much as most. Mr. Gold intrigued him. He often found himself thinking about the complicated man, and to say the least, his imagination got away from him from time to time.

Though this session, along with the previous two, proved to be nothing but frustration to the doctor.

"What prompted you to, um, separate." Dr. Hopper felt himself getting nervous at the mention of Belle. He could see Gold's furry growing.

Gold sat and glared. That's all he did, apart from some snarled remarks. Mainly about how he should have beaten the man to get Belle back. Which didn't make much sense to the doctor. He wasn't here to judge though.

"Um, should we move on then?"

Gold sat up a little, a slight smirk creeping across his face. It gave Dr. Hopper chills.

"How about I ask the questions for a bit."

The doctor swallowed hard. This didn't seem like a good idea. Maybe it would help to open Gold up to him though, if Gold knew more about him. "I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Are you clean?" The question was straight forward, with the smirk never faltering.


"STD's, doctor."

Dr. Hopper was stunned, but before he could come up with a response to shut this conversation down he found words were already tumbling from his mouth, "I don't have any."

Gold stood up and walked over to stand in front of where the doctor was seated. Before he could tell Gold to go back to his seat the other man continued talking, "Do you like to be in control?"

He was very close and hovering over the doctor now. He felt something start to stir in him. "Um, I don't know." The words fell out again without much thought. The only thing he could think of was... 'no. Stop. You are a professional! Do your job.'

"Hum." Gold stated, grabbing his own belt and undoing it. The doctor sweating, watching his hands working on his pants very closely. He noticed his reaction pressing against his pants.

Gold's pants were finally worked open and he pulled himself free. It was bigger then Hopper has imagined it was. He wondered how it would feel-

His thoughts were cut short buy a had grabbing him and forcing the penis into his mouth. Gold yanked his head forwards and backwards. Hopper grabbed the park he couldn't get into his mouth with his right hand and his left hand snakes into his lap and he began to massage himself through his own slacks.

Gold grabbed him by the neck with his free hand. "I can tell you think about me hopper. I can tell by the look in your eye. The way you watch me everywhere. Maybe you should be more careful. I'm sure other people are picking up on it too."

The doctor felt the feeling in his body grow. No. Not yet. It was too late. He came in his pants with a soft moan against Gold's hot skin. Gold laughed at him.


His taunt was cut short by a loud phone ring.

Hopped woke with a start, scrambling to find his glasses and phone. "Hello madam mayor." He answered as the phone reached his ear.

"Henry and I are on our way to your office. He need an emergency meeting with you, due to his birth mother being in town all of the sudden."

"Okay. I will be there as soon as I can." He replied before she hung up.

He sighed and looked down at himself, only to find he had a wet dream. What was he, 15!? A wet dream at his age. There must be something wrong with him.

He started thinking about his dream and the way Gold had grabbed him so roughly. Yeah, there was definitely something wrong with him.

He did have a question though; Who was Belle and why did mentioning her make him so nervous?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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