It was the morning of his birthday, June 26. He may have forgotten as always, but not his parishioners, not his friends. The Bishop has been calling since 4am to congratulate him but he wasn't answering the calls; not from friends and family either. Those at the parish house with him hasn't seen him either. In any case they and the parishioners planned a surprised birthday party for him that morning since that day was evening mass, the party would be the first thing. But then, Rev. Fr. Balogun Daniel did not call his boys and girls to Chapel for the Office of the Reading, which has become the Wednesday routine since mass was usually in the evening. Nobody wanted to disturb the priest since it was his birthday and perhaps he may want the morning alone with his God in the chapel. Morning was fading away and the number of people were increasing yet he was nowhere to be found. The Catechist decided to go and remind him that the day was no longer young and that people were waiting to see him. He knocked on the door, but there was no response. Then he decided to go away, just then he looked at the floor, and saw blood flowed out from beneath the chapel door. He ran out to call few others, they banged at the door and when no response came, they broke the door. It was Rev. Fr. Balogun Daniel that was lying faced down; his white cassock soaked in his own blood and was now scarlet. Everything in the chapel were in tact. The door was locked from inside, with the key left in it; which makes it impossible for any other key or spear key to open it from outside. The windows were also locked from inside. And even without that there is no possibility of escaping through the windows because they were all protected with burglary proofs and nets which were in the first place not tampered with. It is either the killer entered the chapel with him and was still in there hiding, probably, or that the priest had committed suicide. But why would a priest of such calibre commit suicide. While the later cannot just hold ground, at least, he died of gun shot as one could see but the gun wasn't anywhere around. Someone much have done it.
A day that was supposed to be of celebration for St. Charles' parish turned into mourning and sorrow. Sir. Osakwe V.O. a 3rd degree knight in the order of St. Mulumba looked at the latest brand Innoso sport car that he had brought for Rev. Fr. Balogun Daniel as his birthday gift and tears filled his eyes. An Army General of his calibre knew better not to be weak in any situation but found himself helpless now; for the priest he loved and cherished had been murdered in cold blood. Who will celebrate the mass all through in the ancient language of the church -latin? That angelic voice that always intone the Agnus Dei, Confiteor, Credo in Deum, Gloria in excelsis Deo and others that makes it looks as if heaven has come to earth. Fr. Balogun was a peace loving and caring man. Why would somebody think of eliminating him. The puzzle was on everyone.
"We must get to the root of this." The General declared and ordered his boys to be on guard until the police arrived. Shortly after his call to the Area Police Chief, a team of police arrived led by the most intelligent Detective Iwinosa Idehen.