30. Elle

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As I watch the bride and groom having their dinner, chatting away as they leaned in to one another, a wave of nausea hits me. It's not because I am jealous of them, I've never had the fascination for a lavish wedding. Never been something I put too much thought into but what I did envy is how they didn't seem to have a single worry in the world.

Who am I to judge? They probably have their own boatload of problems. Who doesn't? But at least for this one day they can forget all that and I wonder when I would ever get my chance? That is if I get one, for all I know, my father doomed it the second he started with his business.

I turn towards the doorway of the ballroom, where my two bodyguards stand their ground, their eyes scanning the whole place, waiting. They have been like that ever since we left, not once did I catch them slacking off. Literally all my attempts of getting information out of them had been shot down. Two things come to my brain, either Logan pays them a shit ton of money or they really are loyal to their boss, although the possibility that both of these guesses were true seems pretty high.

"We should be done in half hour or so" Damian pulls me out of my train wreck of thoughts.

"What do you say? We go get some drinks later on. I saw a couple of bars down the street" He adds, his eyes twinkling with eagerness. I wasn't feeling like drinking but it's been a while since I went out with Damian and this seems to be the perfect time away from Logan.

"You think we can ditch those guys?" We glance over and as if he heard us Doyle's eyes lock on me.

"I'd rather not, they're gonna tell Logan and I don't really need him calling me right now" I turn back to Damian and he nods.

"Besides I'll need them to carry you back when you get wasted" I chuckle.

"Really now, we'll see about that" He rolls his eyes as he raises his glass to me. I pick up mine, our glasses clink in a toast for the rest of the evening.

Two hours later, we're at one of the poshest clubs that money could get us. I know, I ain't got the money for it. Like I had expected my two bodyguards snitched on us, giving a detailed report on where we were planning on going to their boss. What I didn't see coming was that Logan had no fucking objection to it, provided I go to a more sophisticated place because apparently it's safer to go there.

"It's his only condition" Doyle said as he tried to hand me his phone, with no other than my husband on the other end of it.

"Tell him, I don't want to be spending that kind of money" I shove the phone back to him and watched him put it back to his ears. Obviously he had heard me, his voice was a calm muffled noise through the speaker.

"He's got it covered" Doyle spoke to me and Damian reached cloud nine. I agreed only because I was freezing my ass off as we stood outside our hotel trying to come up with a plan.

Damian took complete advantage of the fact that we weren't paying and I surprised myself when I made no attempt to stop him either. After all he offered it to us so who am I to hold back. I was hopeful that he'd learn his lesson and not try to pay up for me again in the future.

"Can you go check on him?" I asked Josh when Damian was taking way too long to get out of the bathroom. I knew it before I even said that he would turn me down so I added, "I'm sure Doyle will be here with the car any second, I'm really tired and would like to leave as soon as possible"

He nodded and quickly walked back inside the building. I pull out my phone and as I'm in the middle of leaving a text to Vic, I hear a voice, "Elle Lively, I knew that was you but had to make sure"

I turn to the older man standing next to me. "Sorry, have we met before?" I inquire, squinting my eyes.

"No, my dear. John Costello, I used to work with your father" Even in my alcoholic haze I still heard him loud and clear.

"You know my father? Do you know where he is? Did he send you here?" The questions just slip out my mouth as I stared him in the face, leaving his hand hanging in the air.

"I'm afraid I haven't spoken to him in a while. However, I was meaning to talk to you. I waited at your hotel room but you never turned up so I had to have my men track you down"

"How did you know my room? How did you get in?" Again the questions just kept popping out.

"It's not that hard when you got the money. Now, how about a drink and we talk for a while" Like hell I was going anywhere with him. I wanted to kick the guy in his balls but the three men standing behind him, tall and bulky, told me otherwise.

"Step away from the lady" Out of nowhere, Doyle comes rushing to my rescue, he had already pulled out his gun and was pointing it towards the old man.

"I'm not here to harm her" He shrugs.

"Are you alright, Mrs McKenzie?" Doyle questions, eyes stuck to his target.

"Yes, I'm okay"

"Mrs McKenzie? I guess Logan wasn't lying about you" Wait, he knows Logan too?

"Who are you?" I ask in complete confusion.

Much to my dislike, he leans in closer so he could whisper, "Come meet me and I'll answer all your questions" He shoves a piece of paper in the pocket of my pants as he pulls back and walks away.

Doyle is next to me, the very next second, the gun already tucked away. "Let's go inside the car" I let him help get in. The next few minutes I hear Doyle and Josh arguing in the front and Damian passed out beside me. My brain is working in overdrive as I try to figure out who that man was and what the hell did he want from me?

"You guys, I want to go home not the hotel" I break the fight in an uncertain voice. That man had been in my room. God knows what would've happened if I were to go up there then. What if he went back and was waiting for me?

"I'll make arrangements" Josh speaks as he pulls out his phone.

After a quick conversation with I don't know who, he turns back to me. "We'll pick up your luggage on our way to the airport" He says.

As much as I was glad to be leaving right away, I didn't want to go to the hotel even for a second. I did not feel safe at all and I knew only one place in this whole world could provide me that right now. "That man was in my room" Was all I murmured to get their attention.

"We'll head straight for the airport, I'm sure we can get the hotel staff to send your stuff back" One of the few perks of being Logan's wife I guess.

After a good fifteen minute wait at the airport, we were finally inside a private jet. Damian was still sound asleep, which was good because he'd be asking too many questions for me to handle right now. Questions that I myself had no answers to. Although I know tomorrow morning when he wakes up back in his house I'll have a hell lot of explaining to do. I'm certain that I can manage that, right now I needed to be with him. I was already imagining having his arms around me, smelling his cologne, when we hadn't event taken off yet.
A/N :

Elle has managed to gain some enemies!

Good thing Logan is there to save her!

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