The first day...

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(Kirishima POV)

It's the first day. I'm kinda scared but who wouldn't be right? I mean I'm going to a completely different school with new people and different teachers, a bigger campus... Okay, enough of that.

I walk over to my dresser and force my binder to go over my chest that never wants to cooperate with myself, slip on my freshly ironed, white button-up shirt along with my uniform jacket. I kneel down to tie my shoes and look back up at my mirror. I see my red spiky hair inspired by the chivalrous hero, Crimson Riot, and smile back at my reflection. 

"It's a new day Eijirou. A fresh start, a new beginning," I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly as I stood back up. "You got this. Show them who you are." I walked out of my room past the living room into the kitchen. 

"Eijirou! I'm so proud of you for getting into U.A.! Your first day is going to be great sweetheart!" My mom, says to me as she hands me a bowl of cereal. 

"Heh, thanks mom. Just a little nervous you know?" I started eating my breakfast when I checked the time. "Holy sh- Mom I'm going to be late!" I threw on my backpack and started running out the door. 

"Bye Eijirou! I love you!"

As I got closer to U.A. I slowed down a little bit. "Okay, I still have some time," 

"Kirishima!?" I turned around to see someone familiar... "Oh my gosh, it is you!"

"Oh hey Mina! You got into U.A. too? What class are you in?"

"Hero class 1A. What about you?"

"Same actually. Glad to see someone I know. Are you worried at all? Like nervous?"

"A little bit I guess. You shouldn't be scared though you got in here for a reason. You put in hard work and dedication, you got this. I mean it's not like we're gonna get expelled the first day right?"


"The person in last place will be punished with expulsion" Really Mina. You just had to say that earlier, didn't you?

We stood there on the quirk training field all in shock. That one green-haired dude looks like he's about to cry though... Mr. Aizawa isn't going to go easy on us this year, is he...

"Bakugo can you demonstrate the ball throw for us. Since you had the highest scores coming in from middle school and from the practical exam." A blonde guy with hair that seemed to be sharp enough to cut off one of your fingers steps up. I caught a glance of his eyes and ohmygod they're gorgeous. He takes his spot and unleashes the ball with a monstrous blast. I had to cover my eyes, the blast was that powerful. 

Mr. Aizawa turns to face us showing us the phone. SEVEN HUNDRED KILOMETERS! What the hell is this!? No way my quirk is going to be able to help me in this...


After all the testing Mr. Aizawa pulls us all together to discuss our scores. "Here are your scores, please reflect accordingly."

I let out a huge sigh of relief when I see that I wasn't in last place. Oh but that green-haired guy is. Midoriya is it? 

"Oh, and by the way, no one is being expelled." I see Midoriya almost start crying again. I'm relieved that no one is being expelled but man that's too much for a bunch of fifteen-year-olds. "Alright, that's enough for training today go get changed back into your uniforms and meet back up in the classroom. 

No not the locker room! The only reason why I was able to get changed out into my P.E. uniform was that I was able to sneak into the bathroom before, to change. But since now everyone is going the same way under the supervision of the teacher there's no way I can sneak off. Dammit. This isn't going to be good...

The guys walk into the locker room and I follow in the back. It's obvious at this point that I'm uncomfortable. I slip through everyone and get to my locker. I unlock my locker and let out a big sigh. "You're overthinking things Eijirou. Just get changed. No one is going to notice." I take off my shirt and look down at my chest. My black binder pushing it down so it looks flat. I pull out my shirt and start to put it on. 

"Kirishima right?" A rough voice from behind me says to me. It caught me off guard and I completely forgot about my binder. 

"U-uh yeah." Oh shit... It's Bakugo. He's not wearing a shirt either... His chest and abs are so well sculpted... "Uh, um, I... so... fuck-"

"You freaking out or something shitty hair?" Shitty hair? My hair isn't shitty... It's manly.

"N-no. Sorry. Bakugo right?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to say you looked good out there. Strong quirk." He likes my quirk. He starts to walk away when he says, "You know I hope you don't exercise in that. It's dangerous." Shit, my binder! Dammit, Eijirou! Now he knows. He's probably going to tell everyone about it and now you're screwed. The only people you wanted to know about this were the teachers and the principal. Now you've done it. 

I finished getting dressed and headed back into the classroom. I sat down in my seat quietly and just stared off into space thinking what was going to happen. I'm probably overthinking this again... 


The day was over and I started walking home. Bakugo didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. Which I don't really mind but it's nerve-racking because I don't know if he thinks differently of me now, or if he was too busy telling everyone else about me-

"Oi shitty hair!" Bakugo interrupts my thoughts and starts walking towards me. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. This can't be good. He looks mad. Like really mad. I didn't do something, did I? No, I couldn't have! It's only the first day of school!

"Ye-yeah Bakugo?" 

"You wear a binder, right? Just be careful. Wearing one while exercising can damage your ribcage."

I panicked. I didn't want him to know I was trans yet. It's too early. I still don't know if he's like I don't know transphobic or something. "No uh, it's not what you think! I uh, I wear it to help me get more... fit?" Are you that dumb Eijirou! He's not going to believe that!

"Alright, whatever you say. Still, be careful I guess shitty hair. See you tomorrow." He walks off and I let go the biggest sigh of relief I've had in a while. 

"I can't believe he actually bought it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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