Chapter 6

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While I was on the floor, I heard noises coming from upstairs. when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I saw my two cousins nyah and brittany. their face turned into a cheerful expression when they seen me.

"Yn?!" Both of them yelled in an unison

I chuckled "hey guys" I got up off of the floor and hugged them

"How you guys been?" I asked them

"We've been doing good" nyah said."how have you been?"

"Well I'm making it" I said plastering a fake smile on my face

"Girllll I seen you with that boy outside is he your boyfriend?" Brittany asked

I chuckled "no we are just associates" I blushed and looked down

"Girl you blushing there is no way in hell that you guys could be 'associates'" nyah said air quoting associates

"Guys it's nothing major. nothing
more, nothing less." I said

"Ok whatever you say" brittany said throwing her hands up in surrender

"Anyways I'm heading up to bed. today was a tiring day." I stretched my arms out and yawned and made my way upstairs

When Prince was in the car driving, he decided to go over Ray's house where everybody else was at. So he made a U-turn and headed over there. When he arrived, he already saw them on the porch smoking. Since he doesn't smoke, he just sit beside them and chill. He greeted all of them and sat in a chair. While the others were talking and laughing, he was thinking about how they going to agree to hang out with Yn and her cousins. He couldn't think of any ideas so he was just going to ask questions for them to get the idea.

"Hey guys, would yall ever hang out with the people that we mess with?"

"What kind of question is that?" Ray chuckled

"Just a random question." Prince started to scratch the back of his neck

"Well my answer would be no" prod shook his head while inhaling his blunt

"Why not?" Prince looked at him

"Prince, bro, why you acting like you care about them weird ass people anyways? They ain't shit" Roc laughed

Prince thought about it for a second and started to laugh "yea you right I'm tripping"

And for two more hours, they played around, laughed, joked, and doing what boys normally do. And after that Prince went home and he decided not to go out with Yn and her cousins he thought that they was as weird as her. So he just took a shower and went off to bed.
The next day was the day that Prince and his boys and Yn and her girls was suppose to hang out. Yn still thought that they was still going to hang out so she waited by the phone and waited for Prince to call. The waiting turned into 10 minutes to 30 minutes to an hour and into a few hours when it hit nightfall. Yn lost hope and started to go into nyah and Brittany's guest room. When she got in there, both were fast asleep. She sighed and decided to go talk to her aunt but she was fast asleep also. She wondered why everybody went asleep that fast so she checked the clock and it was 1:42 am. she was surprised that she waited that long just to get a call from her bully. She thought that they were getting along so well but she finally admit that she gotten stood up.

While all of that was happening, Prince was at a party having a great time with his boys. He gotten over Yn and went back to his old self. He was so drunk, that he had sex with two girls and he didn't even know it. And the next day he was still at the house where he partied at and had a HUGE hangover. When he woke up he saw a lot of other people sprung out all over the floor knocked out. He got up and left that house and went to his own home.

When the weekend was over, it was time to go back to school. YN didn't even want to look at Prince the whole day. When Yn and her cousins were getting dressed, Yn's auntie called their name so they can eat breakfast. Nyah was excited to come to the school but brittany on the other hand, was so nervous that her hands started shaking.

"Britt, you alright?" Nyah asked putting her hand onto Brittany's shoulder

"Y-yeah j-just a little nervous." Brittany nervously smiled

"Come on, once you get there, that nervousness will disappear." nyah smiled "isn't that right Yn?"

"Huh? Uhhh y-yeah you will be totally fine" Yn plastered a fake smile on her face. the reason why she didn't want to tell them that she is being bullied, is because she didn't want them to worry.

When they got out the car, people started murmuring stuff like 'what them fine ass girls doing with the wicked witch of the west?' Or 'I hope they not some stuck up bitches like her'. Nyah and Brittany didn't hear it but Yn, heard it all. She began to ignore them like she always do. When they walked inside of the school boys started saying some nasty things to nyah and Brittany and the girls was just giving them stank looks. But Yn was left out like always but one person that caught her eye and that was Prince. She glared evilly at him and started storming up to him leaving nyah and Brittany in the crowd. Before she got there, Emerald, the school's top hoe walked up to him and gave him a kiss. Yn stopped walking and her face softened up. She actually thought that he would change, but he's just like every other person.

When her cousins caught up with her, they seen Emerald all up on Princeton. Nyah shook her head in disappointment but Brittany on the other hand, was furious. She walked up to him and pulled emerald away from Prince by her weave.

"I know you just did not pull my hair!!" Emerald started to charge towards her. But as soon as emerald could hit her, Brittany punched her dead in the face and Emerald was knocked out cold. She turned around and slapped Princeton across the face.

"What the hell?!" Prince grew angrier by the second but Brittany wasn't bothered by it.

"Don't you EVER treat my cousin like she is something that you can throw to the curb like that!!" Brittany pointed her index finger in his face and him a death glare and walked away.

Princeton didn't know who that was but he was growing angrier just the thought about that hit.

He felt like he needed to hit something or someone.

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