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"Daddy? Where are you going?"  asked a five year old Freya. She was used to her dad and loved seeing him save people, but not on her birthday. 

"I have to go save some people honey. I know it's your birthday and I'm sorry-"

"They need you, go." she whispered as tears welled up in her eyes. He kissed her head and walked out of the room, grabbing his jacket and throwing the birthday cake that was in his hands away. 


"Welcome to the BAU, Miss Gideon."  SSA Hotchner said to her, smiling. He worked with her father for long time, and they know each other well. 

"It's -  we have to change that," she smiled. "You will have two Gideon's on the team now."

"True. We'll see what the rest of the team thinks, c'mon." they walked over to the door and she opened it for him, letting him take the lead. 

"Now, profiling, as you know, isn't like regular work. It's much harder and you need more things to go buy. We look more-"

"Hotch, remember that I helped profile Adrian Bale." she said seriously. Freya hated when people doubted her so when they did, she reminded them what she was capable of. 

"I remember and you also didn't skip a beat on doing so. Usually it's not easy, Freya."

"Sir, I almost watched one of the people closest to me die. I think I know this job isn't easy."

"Come meet the rest of the team, of course, your father and you," he lead her over to two males and a female. "This is Dr. Spencer Reid, SSA Elle Greenaway, and SSA Derek Morgan. This is SSA Freya Gideon."

"The Freya Gideon? Jason Gideon's daughter?" asked Derek shocked. 

"You helped profile the Boston Shrapnel Bomber!" Reid exclaimed excitedly. 

"Yes, yes. It's a very exciting thing. Days over and  I'm going home. See you all tomorrow."  Hotch said, and he looked at Freya. "Haley wants you to come over for dinner sometime."

"I - uh - I don't, sir."

"She's the boss, not me. Take it up with her."

"When?" asked Freya. 

"How's after your first official case?"

"Alright by me. Have a good night."

"Goodnight everyone." They all sang their choruses of goodnight and Hotch left. 

Elle stepped up to her, "Hi, I'm Elle."

"Freya," they shook hands, and Freya sized everyone up. She was the smallest on the team, but that didn't mean she couldn't do damage.

"So, how old are you, cause you don't look a day over twenty-five." Elle said, trying to figure her out. 

"I'm twenty-two"

"Younger than Reid," Derek said. 

"Well, it's not a matter of age, it's a matter of how well you can do your job." Freya winked at him. 

"So how do you know Hotch so well?" asked Reid. 

"He's worked with my dad for a while. Always tried to shut me out and keep me in the dark or away from his work life, but I forced him to let me, uh, meet his old team and Hotch."

"So, Queen of the Gods? Or the more depicted in Norse Mythology where Freya is feminine version of Frey and she is the goddess of fertility. Also known as a 'lady, noblewoman, mistress, even a beloved female', she is the daughter of Njord and the most beautiful goddess. " Reid rambled on about her name.

"Yes, also Rowan, which is-"

"In Celtic Mythology the Rowan is viewed as the 'Tree of Life' and it symbolizes wisdom and protection. It's a sacred tree that protects the dwelling in which it grows-"

"Reid, c'mon man! Let the poor girl talk!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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