All things must come to an end.

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(Sorry this has taken so long, my writing style has also changed so I apologise for that also)

I smiled at the sight. It wasn't how we planned and the circumstances were awful, but we had a family. It would be crazy, there would be highs and lows but this was how it was supposed to be. But maybe I spoke to0 soon about how perfect it was.

For a month or so, things for the small family were great. The children came to over come the sadness they'd all be feeling. While their parents would always have a place in each of their hearts and while they would miss them terribly, they came to accept Amanda and Alesha as their mums. School had started for Charlie, Emma, Seb and Blair leaving baby Melanie and the two actresses alone for the weekdays. The weekdays were pretty much the same but for the weekend, Alesha and Amanda took the children out on days out. They traveled the world a bit too and soon the accident slipped from their minds. But alas, good things don't always last.

 Alesha had just dropped the Kids to school and Melanie at Amandas parents for the day. The two women planned to just spend the day in each others arms but one phone call changed it all.

"Hello." Amanda said down the phone line, holding her phone in one hand and stroking through Aleshas hair with the other.

"Miss Holden. We regret to inform you that Elizabeth has escaped jail. We don't know how and don't currently have her location." The sentence crushed Amandas world. Her breathing quickened and she hung up the phone. Alesha immediately sensed something was wrong and sat up to face her girlfriend.

"Baby?" She asked softly.

"She's free. She's free and they don't know where she is." Aleshas heart dropped and she wrapped Amanda in her arms, feeling the other woman tremble against her body.

Three days had passed. The children were staying at Amandas parents and the two women missed them like crazy but they couldn't risk their lives. The three days both Amanda and Alesha were living in a state of constant fear. It was late, almost midnight when the rain of bullets began, smashing through the window and into the house. They were cowered in the back of one of the wardrobes when the bullets stopped and the sound of their front door being busted open echoed through the house. Amanda had one hand covering her mouth and her other gripping Aleshas. The footsteps searched the whole of the ground floor before heading up the stairs.

"You can hide, but not for long." Her voice ran through the house like a plague. Amanda trembled in Aleshas arms, both women too terrified to even breathe. The door to the bedroom creaked open. 







The persons movements were slow. Both women could see the intruders shadow through the gap in the bottom of the doors. 



The person was right in front of the wardrobe doors. Amanda buried her head into Aleshas chest as they waited for their spot to be revealed. The intruder started to open the wardrobe door when shouts ran through the house. Police. They busted into the room and tackled Elizabeth to the ground. Amanda and Alesha slowly made their way out of their hiding spot and were met by a glare that sent shivers down their spines.

"Do you Amanda Holden take Alesha Dixon to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part." Amanda stared at the woman in front of her. It only felt like Yesterday that Alesha had proposed. The brunette had in listed their children's help and lead Amanda down to the shore before getting on one knee and asking the question.

"I do."

"Do you Alesha Dixon take Amanda Holden to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part."

"I do."

"I now pronounce you Married, you may kiss your bride."

Amanda smiled softly at Alesha and pulled her wife into a passionate kiss. Everyone clapped but neither woman noticed, the world fell away around them.

The rest of the day was perfect, surrounded by friends family and they knew they could get through anything life threw at them. As a family.

Heyooooo im so sorry this has taken me so long to finish, ive had serious writers block and abandoned this story. This has been awesome and ive hoped you all enjoyed reading it.

(Self promo because why not: Check out my ao3 account @/ She_Him_They for (currently) Doctor Who and a Peraltiago One shot/s)

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