Chapter 1

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The Father whispers in His Son's ear "It is time, I have something for you, meet me at the garden, the place called Gethsemane. Come alone.

Jesus leaves the home where he has been with His desciples. His desciples follow Him and He hasn't got the heart to tell them not to come. But at the entrance to the garden He tells them to stay. He continues on into the garden. Three desciples follow Him. He sighs. He turns to them, "Please stay here" He says. Looking at their mournful faces, He continues "I must go on alone, but I could do with your prayers, please stay here and pray for me "

The Son comes to the place where the Father is waiting. He notices a large cup in His Father's hand. The other hand covers the opening of the cup. The Son is disappointed that the smile, which normally creases the Father's face is not there tonight.

The Father solemnly says "I want you to drink what is in this cup" The Father holds out the cup but turns His head away. The Son wants to take the cup but the stench of the contents is overpowering. He looks at the Father who is still looking away. "I can't drink this, it's disgusting, no-one can drink this". The Father remains silent but continues to hold out the cup. The Son begins to stress "If you love me you wouldn't put me through this" He exclaims. The Father's face is strained as He answers "It's because I love you......DRINK!"

The Son answers, as He takes the cup, "I have never disobeyed you, I will not start now"

Jesus takes the cup of vile smelling liquid and is just about to lift it to His lips when a commotion at the garden entrance interrupts His action. His desciples call to Him, He lowers the cup and moves quickly to the men gathered at the gate. These men and soldiers are asking for you, the desciples whisper to Jesus. Jesus steps forward, sadness on His face as he sees one of His own amongst the men, clutching a money bag. Judas can't match the sad look on his Master's face and looks down to his new master, clutched in his hand.

Tempestuous Peter summing up the situation, jumps into action and without thinking slices off the ear of the man nearest him. Poor Malchus squealed and squirmed, moaning all the while that he was only a servant who didn't want to be there anyway! Jesus took pity on him and healed his pain by saving his ear. At the same time Jesus reprimanded Peter "Don't try and change my destiny....I have to drink this cup" For the first time Peter notices the cup and also realises that the terrible smell that he has been smelling is coming from it.

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