Wolf of the shadows

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When we got to Deatons, he quickly took care of Peter and Derek. After that I had to call Scott and tell him what happened to his Alpha. It rang 5 times before he picked up.
"I'll be right there" than he hung up, guess I'll have to wait.


I woke up to an amazing yet annoying voice and I know straight away who it is. Stiles.
"Derek can you hear me"asked Dr.Deaton. I opened my eyes and said"No I'm lost in Narnia, of course I can hear you."
"We'll it's good to know my nephew is alright so why don't you tell him what you told us if possible doc." Asked Peter.
"We'll Derek and Peter you were both attacked by something called a shadow all for wolf of the shadows." Explained Deaton.
"What is a shadow wolf." I asked. It surprised me that the next person who spoke actually knew about it, then again he probably spent an hour researching it.
"A shadow wolf is basically like a hell hound, only more deadly and more mean in a way. They move around in the shadows and you can never really see them coming until it's too late. They usually only attack when they want something or revenge for someone."said Stiles.
I did my best to digest everything he said. The one thought came to mind.
"What does it want or why is it taking its revenge out on us?"I asked gesturing between me and Peter.
"It wants something that this pack is protecting 24/7." Said Deaton.
"But this pack protects everything, what could it possible be after?" Asked Scott.
"I'll say this it's after someone your protecting, someone who you all think is weak, someone who has brought even a little joy to your lives, the one person who has been there since this all started." Said Deaton.
We were all starting to think, but then it hit us all like a brick wall. We all looked at each other. Than Scott spoke up and said what we were all thinking.
"It's after Stiles, isn't it?" He asked.
Stiles head popped up over the counter and Deaton looked at all of us and said "yes the shadow wolf is after Stiles."
"Why and what could it possibly want with Stiles."asked Peter.
"Peter have you heard the stories of anterises."asked Deaton.
"No can't say I have."replied Peter.
"The story goes that Anterises cursed the shadow wolfs saying that one day a descendent of his blood line would end shadow wolfs and their life's, and Stiles is a descendent of Anterises." Explained Deaton.
We all were looking at Stiles and I started to think, 'what could suggest to them that he is the descendent that dude was talking about', ' this kid is weak as anything', ' why do they fear him' and lastly 'why the hell am I worried about Stiles'.
After we left the clinic I noticed Derek deep in thought and I knew what it was about, but asked anyway.
"Derek what are you worried about is it poor little old Stiles." I asked in a sarcastic voice, but to my surprise he said something I never thought I'd ever here him say.
"Yes I'm worried about Stiles. He doesn't deserve this, to be hunted like an animal. He's done nothing to deserve this, yet he's always getting hurt and I'm never there to help him, never there to save him or even tell him everything is going to be alright. I'm just the sour wolf he says I am." He said.
I was in absolute shock, my nephew just basically poured his heart out to me about how he cared for Stiles. I was surprised, happy and sad. I have to think of a way to protect this kid Stiles because even if he doesn't know it he's family now. So I decided to say something.
"Derek we will protect Stiles and we all will make sure no harm comes to him. We will watch over him like guardian angles. We will do everything in our power to make sure he is safe. Okay."
"Okay" he replied.
After that the rest of the drive home was quit and I knew his mind was on Stiles the In tire time. I think Derek's in love, I wonder how long before he cracks, I hope I betted right because if he doesn't crack in 4 days I loss about $125 to Scott and I don't want that, so I guess I'll have to help theses kids discover their true feeling for each other. For themselves and my $125.

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