______Chapter One______

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"We're here."

Betty heard a voice say. She waited patiently for the cuffs and blindfold to be taken off but only her blindfold was taken off. She blinked at the sudden brightness, before squinting her eyes as it adjusted to the light.
The first thing she did was to look through the partition, past the cockpit, and she saw that they approached a secluded but beautiful Island which seemed to grow grander as they drew closer to it. She looked closely at the Island and was able to spot out a few skyscrapers.

Once the plane landed they all filed out of the plane onto the landing strip. It was freezing compared to the scotching heat of the recruitment camp and Betty tugged the hood of her oversized and gaudy hoodie over her head watching as the plane was taken into a Hangar. They were steered towards a vast field that began from beside the hangar, expanded behind the hangar, and extended to a thick forest ahead.
There was no room for escape. The whole area was highly fenced all the way to the woods. There were Arrow slits seated at the corners. The towering walls were sturdy and heavily protected. Thanks to Betty's keen sight, she could see the militants clearly; the Militants positioned on the walls were nothing less than fifty grim-faced militants, in stealth-black long-sleeved jumpsuits, their straightened collars had red braided edges and their uniforms were reinforced with high-tech armours; Each of them wore high-tech wristwatches but with different designs, they had Martian-tech rifles draped on their hips, swords sheaths slung from behind their shoulders and on their hands they each held a crossbow.
Everyone believed that the Jovians could only be harmed with arrows and since the Jovians had the ability to Shape-shift, governments from all over the world had adapted to using Archery as the main mode of weaponry, but these weren't ordinary weapons, from what Betty could see, these weapons were either built or amplified with either Nano-Tech, Biotech, Martian-Tech or worse, Jovian-Tech.
They stopped walking once everyone was on the pitch. One of the militants stood before them, he wore a stealth-black jumpsuit but his straightened collar had a silver braided edge. But unlike the others he had a silver leather coat on, and there were several lines of blue LEDs on his jumpsuit and coat before addressing them.

"Welcome! I am Captain Miles. Those of you who survive till we reach the great gate earn the right to call me Captain. Those who survive long enough to become Senior Xs earn the right to call me Miles. But you unwanted lowlifes will address me as Sir. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone echoed in unison. Well, it's not like we have any other choice that doesn't get us killed, Betty thought to herself, what is it with Militants and the need to be addressed as 'Sir'?

"Your first trial will begin soon."

"Trial?" A voice asks.

"Yes," The Captain replied with a little glee, "it's a survival of the fittest challenge. Those who survive instantly become Experimentees."

"That doesn't sound like a good word." The same guy says.

The Captain, now irritated, turned his attention to the lad. "What's your name, boy?"

"Levi, sir. But everyone calls me Skip." Levi said proudly. Everyone laughs at this.

"Skip, eh? Perhaps you'd like to skip to the part where you die." That wiped the smile off Levi's face. The Captain continued. "Or maybe you don't understand the fact that your lives are at stake." The smile on everyone's faces was replaced with panic as the captain proceeded to explain what was going to occur.

According to the Captain, in about ten minutes, each one of the three hundred kids present would need to run for their lives. "... Like hell was chasing you," he had said, it probably would; None of them were out of firing range until they successfully crossed through the woods to the other side. Another boy was curious to know the fate of those who failed to run; the Captain confirmed Betty's worries.
Those Archers positioned on the walls were intended to shoot at the kids at the sound of the whistle. From where Betty stood she detected about fifty. It was probable that there was more of them than she could tell and they gave the impression that they were pretty skilled. Enough to take down all of us, Betty thought, this is happening 'in about ten minutes'. Betty frowned, in about ten minutes...

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