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I feel like today is going to be amazing for some strange reason. I'm two months into my second year in the University of Birmingham, I major in psychology and a minor in art. Not going to lie the first year was a bit of a struggle due to my 'ability'. Apparently, because of my amazing memory and the fact that I'm pretty smart a lot of people tried using me and taking advantage of me first semester. My ex boyfriend Sean and a lot of  people I used to consider my friends used to use me to bump their grades which was a real confidence booster. That all changed by the second semester due to my best friend Lucy, she told me to grow a pair and that pep talk certainly did the trick. Although, I was trying to avoid being the center of attention, I decided I could take advantage of it. I became the go-to girl in uni if you needed a tutor, someone to help you with essays, test. Literally anything school related I can help, I just didn't do anything that could get me kicked out of school.

"Amelia! Did you hear anything I just said to you?" yelled Lucy in between her huge gulps of a milkshake. 

"Sorry sorry I was lost in thought. And homework" currently I was at the Sadie's Diner with Lucy. I was trying to focus on my homework for my art history course but, Lucy wouldn't shut up long enough for me to be productive.

"Luce, you know I love you but, I would really love to finish my homework" I give her my signature puppy dog eyes.

"Oh hell no you won't get me with those. It took me 10 years to ignore those bad boys" we both burst into laughter.

"Ames, I'll shut up if you go to the party tonight! You know Cameron really wanted you to sing tonight"

Let's back track for a moment. Cameron was - who am I kidding is my crush from high school. Cameron was the classic hot jock but with a twist, he had a heart of gold. Cameron was always so sweet and caring with me. I've had many chances to go up and talk to him maybe even ask him to coffee but no I was a pussy. Stupid anxiety, I fucking hate you. 

Last year Lucy dared me to perform one of my songs at a party I was 100 percent sober and agreed. Apparently, people believed that I was good or something because I got asked to a lot more parties and got paid to perform. I'm lucky due to all my side hustles I never needed to get a job. I'm decently liked, I get invited to parties, I made a few 'celeb' friends so I get into important clubs for free and I never have to wait in line. I'm not shy I just hate being in a vulnerable position hence why I never talk to Cameron.

"If you shut up for the next 20 minutes and I finish my work then yes" 

"Stop being afraid jus- Wait what?"

"I said If you let me finish my work in the next 20 minutes in silence then I'll go"

I immediately saw her eyes light up at the thought. To avoid me saying no she didn't even respond just slurped on her milkshake in complete silence. I can get used to this.

20 minutes passed and I swear it looked like Lucy was about to explode from not talking - there's one in every friendship I suppose. "Alright, Lucy a deals a deal"

"Finally! Party starts at 8. I texted Cameron and he says that he's excited to finally  see you perform since he was high as fuck last time" yep sounds like Cam. Also another reason why I haven't talked to him, not a drug person at all.

Lucy dropped me off at my apartment and I got ready for the party. I decided on a red bodycon dress that goes to my mid thigh. Not too high, not too short. I put on minimal makeup mostly eye shadow and lipstick, I went with my natural hair waves which let me tell ya is curly. Not springy curls more like I just curled my hair curls which is super convenient. I got an Uber over to Cam's place because I plan to get smashed with Lucy which is why she's walking from her dorm to the party. When I arrived, it already stunk of weed and alcohol. This is going to be a long night. Obviously, when I arrived Lucy was drunk, she's one for pre-party drinks. 

Just One Kiss - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now