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A/N hi please tell me if you like this book I've been wanting to write this for a while now so please tell me if you like it!!

It was finally the day!!! Will and I have been waiting way too long for this day to come!

We're finally going back to camp! I'm really excited for everyone's reaction when they discover our little reason for disappearing!

Will and I decided to make a dramatic entrance. I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

We knew that both camps have been sending search parties for us for about a week now, but they can't kill us anymore even if they want to.

I'm sure either Reyna, or any of the seven are probably super worried and would want to kill me and Will, but they can't, so... HA!

When Will and I finished cutting all our shirts so they wouldn't rip when we brought out our wings, we started to get ready for our entrance.

We decided that we would wait until all the head counsellors were having another meeting in the big house about a search party and I would shadow travel is there and make an entrance. (If you didn't already know, I won't get tired using my powers anymore and neither will Will.)

We also decided not to appear wearing our godly stuff. So we willed our wings and crown and most of our godly aura away.

We then IMed and make sure no one would see us. Then when we saw they were having the meeting about another search party, we got ready. Will was holding my hand, so it looked like I transported him here where in reality he did it himself.

We saw that Percy and Annabeth were talking with Chiron about how none of the search parties are finding anything. While the rest of the head counsellors just sat back and watched with grin expressions on their faces.

Including; Jason, Piper, Clarrise, Leo, and even Reyna and Hazel. Frank was not there.

I looked over at Will and he gave a mischievous grin before nodding his head saying he was ready.

I took his hand and we appeared in the shadows of the same room we were spying on just a couple of seconds ago.

They still hadn't seen us and were still talking about the unsuccessful search parties.

Percy was saying, "Chiron, we need to send another death party, we need to find them, here probably hurt or something!! We need to find them and help th-"

I cut him off while stepping into the light. "I don't think you'll be needing those anymore." I say while I have a smirk on my face. Will is trying to hold back his laughter. And everyone looks at us shocked.

"Well what are you waiting for? Say something gods damnit!!" I yelled.

Will and I were then tackled by Percy, Jason, Reyna, Hazel, and Kayla, Wills sister.

Then after we got up all Hades broke loose.

"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN WE WERE WORRIED SICK!!" Percy shouted and got yells from almost everyone else.

Will and I shared a glance and he spoke up.

"Ok, so it's probably better if we start from the beginning." At that everyone sits down and Will began to tell the story but not all of it.

"So Percy and Jason came into the Hades cabin where Nico and I we're. They told us to go to Chiron. Apparently, Chiron got a message from Hades, that he wanted Nico and I to go to the Underworld." At that there were a few confused looks. But Will continued.

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