Chapter 4: First Lesson of the Dark Side

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Luke's POV

I woke up early the next morning to the sound of my cell door opening. Outside the door were two stormtroopers and a LEP servant droid, carrying a food tray and some clothes. There was blue milk, portion bread, some fruit, and grain rice on the tray. It's been about 36 hours since I ate my last meal. "Good morning, young Skywalker," the droid said entering my cell. "My name is LEP-6965. Lord Vader ordered me to bring you food and to tell you that you have 15 minutes to prepare for a meeting." "Oh uh, thank you for the food, LEP," I answered politely. "As you wish, Luke."

LEP set down the tray beside me and then walked to the cell door. "Wait!" I shouted to the droid, walking to it. "Yes, young Skywalker?" "Please call me Luke. Tell Vader that I'm not going to meet him and I'm not eating anything he gives me." "Are you sure you want to make this choice because I think Lord Vader would be upset with your refusal, young Luke." "I'm sure," I answered confidently. I don't want Vader to train me or even talk to him and I'm not accepting anything he gives me, except maybe the clothes. "Very well, Luke," LEP said with the cell door closing behind it.

I sat down on the bed and started to dress into the clothes I was given.

Third POV

Darth Vader sat inside the meditation chamber, without his mask, lost in the force and was thinking about his son

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Darth Vader sat inside the meditation chamber, without his mask, lost in the force and was thinking about his son. "The boy is indeed powerful but inexperienced. He is a fighter, but his friends are keeping him weak. He has the potential to become more powerful than the Emperor," Vader thought. "My son. Padmé's son. Our son who I thought was dead."

LEP-6965 entered outside of the meditation chamber, calling out to Lord Vader. The spherical parted its hemispheres, opening the chamber with Vader, his mask on. "What is it, droid?" Vader asked. "My lord, Luke Skywalker refuses to meet with you or eat the food he was given." The LEP servant droid was then pushed into the wall; the wall cracking as the droid struggled to get off of it. "So, Skywalker rejects any command or gift," Vader boomed; his hands clenching. "When I am through with him, he will obey me and accept the things I give him." Vader let go of his grip on LEP-6965, and stormed out of the meditation room to see Luke.

Luke's POV

I was dressed in black combat boots, dark gray fatigues, a white T-shirt, and black jacket. I was washing my face and then looked into the mirror. "You can get through this, Luke," I told myself. I took a few deep breaths trying to not panic. I am not just going to surrender and join the Dark Side. I will fight in every way I can and never give up.

Abruptly, I felt Vader's presence and his rage. Of course, he'd be angry at me refusing to meet him or eat the food which was set on the bed, untouched. The cell door opened and in walked Vader.

"You are an insolent child for disobeying my orders and you will learn a lesson, young one," Vader growled walking towards me while I stepped back into the wall. "Do it! Torture me all you want or kill me! I will never obey you, see you as my father, or join the Dark Side. I will fight every moment of my life!" I yelled.

I suddenly felt an invisible force holding me, restraining me. I couldn't move at all. Then, a very painful headache came. My head felt like it was about to split open, and the hold was getting tighter. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't open my mouth. The invisible force then pushed me toward Vader. "This is a little sample of what I can do using the Dark Side of the force, Luke," Vader said. He set me down on the bed, but didn't let go of his grip. I looked up into Vader's dark lenses with fear as he leaned down. "First lesson of the Dark Side. Let it out and embrace the pain and darkness in you. It will make you stronger," Vader hissed.

I struggled to get out of Vader's iron grip. I used the force to resist the headache and grip off of me. Vader seemed to tighten the grip even more. I was fending off his attack, taking a few deep breaths to ease the pain on my head and help me concentrate. My mouth started to open again as I screamed out, using as much strength I had to drive back Vader's wrath.

Vader slid back, flinching. I was panting on the bed, staring angrily at him. "You are full of surprises, my son," Vader said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "An average force user would end up defeated." I clenched my hand into a fist. I remember saying that to him during our duel at Cloud City, and now I regret it. "Yes. Let out the anger and destroy me," he tempted. I actually did release my fear and used the force to throw the food tray at Vader, but he caught it and threw it on the ground with the force.

"We will continue on your training later," Vader said. "The servant droid will bring you lunch and you better eat it or you won't like the consequences." He then left the cell.

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