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The day that Morrigan's life had changed was a rainy day in Fall. It was cold outside, and the wind was beating hard against the windows of the Deucalion. The weather was gray, sad. But it wasn't the case of Morrigan and her friends, who were comfortably installed in the warm bedroom of the girl.

She was happily playing a board game on the ground with her friends Cadence and Hawthorne, all of them stuffing themselves with candy.

Jack was stretched out full length on Morrigan's bed with a lollipop in his mouth, reading a magazine dedicated to music. She'd begged him to come play with them, but he'd categorically refused, deeming him to be too old for this "childishness".

Morrigan had rolled her eyes, amused. It shouldn't have been really childishness since he had been squatting her bed for more than three hours now, and watching them from the corner of his eye playing.

" I WON ! " Howls Hawthorne, excited.

" No, you lost you idiot ! "Exclaimed Cadence, exceeded.

" No ! Look, I kicked your rotten knight of the board, so you lost "

Cadence was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Pinching her nose, she seemed to be trying to keep herself calm.

" For the umpteenth time Hawthorne, you weren't allowed to move your pawn in this direction ! It's even written in the rules of the game, look ! "

After these words, she snatched from Morrigan's hands the little booklet of rules and tips, while she tried to verify Cadence's words, frowning.

" You didn't have to snatch it from my hands..., " she grunts, now no longer in the mood for playing board games.

" See, I told you, " launches Jack with a satisfied smile. " Childishness ".

" You, shut up "

" No, you shut up ! " He exclaims.

" You have no right to tell me to shut up ! I'll tell Jupiter ! "

The bursts of voice from Morrigan and Jack came to the ears of Cadence and Hawthone, now watching the jousting of their friends.

" Oh, then you're going to sneak, little cockroach ? "

He took pleasure to make her mad. Morrigan knew it very well. But, she was bored. So she came into his little game. At least time would pass more quickly.

" Do not call me a cockroach "

" I call you what I want.... cockroach ! "

" Are you sure ? "

" Sure at over 200%, " he says, placing his magazine on the bed, sitting cross-legged, one hand under his chin. " Do you have a problem with that ? "

Morrigan didn't need more. With a smirk, she threw herself a few seconds later on her bed, grabbed one of her pillows, and punched Jack with it. They couldn't stop laughing. Jack tried to grab another pillow to attack her, without success. But hilarious, Hawthone and Cadence were quick to come to the rescue. Their laughs filled the room, as the rain intensified outside.

But their joy was short-lived. The bedroom door opened so aggressively that it knocked hard against the wall. Hawthorne, Morrigan, Jack and Cadence jumped and got stuck in ridiculous poses, mouths wide open.

Jupiter, tense and worried, watched them on the doorstep.

" Don't tell me that you're fighting once again ? " He exclaims.

Morrigan and the call of evil Where stories live. Discover now