chapter 10: here be awakenings

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The wind rushed through lukas's hair as he raced to catch rossi. On their lastest mission out of the village, rossi had been picked up by a dragon and dropped from a few miles in the sky. The thump and weight in his arms barely affected him as he raced to a safe spot.

As they hid in a large storm drain, he asks softly" are you alright?" There were a few scrapes on her face and bumps on her from their constant missions out.

"Im fine.. Thanks. Where are the others?" She stood, wobbly but still able to stand.

"They're on the other side of the skyscrapers waiting on us. You ready for a sprint? " lukas holds his hand out, and she nods, taking it. He noticed how soft and fragile her hand felt in his. He blushed softly, forgetting the last time he had been. saving a damsel in distress.

As they hopped onto the horse, they were blocked by the dragon, the sewer having collapsed behind them. Lukas panicked, both of them being thrown off the horse and hitting the floor.

Rossi hit her head on a rock, stunned and dizzy. Lukas's sword flew out of the sheath, sticking into the collapsed ruins of the sewer. He tried his best to pull it out, glancing back at rossi and the dragon in panic.

The large lilac dragon roared. It was a lizard type dragon, with retractable claws and a double finned tail. It's fire a bright blue and its eyes a piercing yellow. Its claws scratched at the opening, trying to break it to get to the two. It seemed to be reaching for Rossi, causing Lukas to rush over, pulling a knife from a sheath inside his boot and stabbing the creatures paw.

Sadly, as lukas tried to get back, the dragon grabbed him, its claws like a cage. Rossi couldnt help but to watch the scene unfold, barely able to reach out weakly. A split second thought came to her, an incantation from his books.

And she spoke it.

The whispered words seemed hopeless but as she spoke her vision cleared, her mind was sharper and she felt a warm feeling all over her body.

Lukas and the dragon were both stunned as a blazing blue light swirled around Rossi, standing her up and dissappearing into blue swirling tattoos of dragons all over her body.

Looking up, Rossi strode over, humming softly and kneeled in front of the dragon.

Lukas screamed"Rossi no!" As he feared she would be eaten"run theres time run!" But his pleas quieted as he realized what was happening.

The dragon roared but she stayed still, staring into its eyes and murmuring softly"come now. Be nice."

At her words, the dragon seemed to start to calm until she touched its nose to which it became complacent and relaxed, releasing lukas.

"Hello~ youre a dream~ " Rossi cooed and the dragon hesitantly backed away. "Heh it'll come around.." She spoke as the dragon flew off.

Everyone joined them, looking shocked.

"What just happened?" Mathias asked as Lukas and Rossi stood in front of the sewer opening.

Lukas stared at Rossi, Rossi looking as confused as the others. He smiled softly and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Brother, Valhalla has given us The Dragon Queen. She has returned."

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