here's some facts that are sorta creepy

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1) when somebody misses you, there is an 80% chance that they will appear in your dreams.

2) by the age of 16, most people have already met the person they will marry. most psychologists believe that only about 20% of people will not.

3) the best person in your life is the person who comes to mind first when you read this.

4) the inability to fall asleep at night when you usually can most likely means that you are awake in somebody else's dream.

5) it's proven that if you tell your plans and goals to others, you are less likely to succeed, as you lose motivation quicker.

6) most people who lose their phones actually experience moments of panic similar to what you get after a near death experience.

7) a lot of people keep their emotions to themselves or only relieve them in more private places, as they believe that nobody will understand their pain.

8) people with more creativity are always more likely to suffer from anxiety.

9) the average high schooler has about as much anxiety as a psychiatric patient from the 1950s.

10) the brain is never fully awake and able to process information until 10 AM, which proves that schools start way too early.

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