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"I'll be back before dinner Aunt Cass!" The tall male called out before rushing out the door of the cafe.

"Don't be too late!" The women behind the counter called back. "Hello what can I get for you tonight?"

"Um can I get a blueberry pomegranate tea please?" The brown haired girl asked softly, eyes reading off the board behind the women.

"Sure thing! That'll be $2.38." The girl paid her and got her drink soon after giving her a thank you. She turned and looked for the perfect spot to sit before deciding on the seat in the corner next to the windows.

Taking out her journal and a pen she sipped on her drink looking out at the busy street. Karsyn was a quiet girl who kept to herself a lot. But yet there was so much more to her that people don't see. Karsyn sighed as she opened her journal to the page she was previously working on.

A black and white sketch of a Dad pushing his little girl on the swings at a park was on the page. The little girl had a big smile on her face while the swing was high up in the air. Her dad mirroring the same smile watching his princess. There wasn't much left to finish on the page other than the little details that make up the scene. Adding details in the grass like flowers, a small butterfly and maybe a squirrel in the background. She was happy with the page, remembering when she watched them when visiting the park the other day.

Flipping onto another page, Karsyn looked up from her journal trying to find another scene to sketch. Sketching the small moments in life was what she loved to do. It was something like a keep safe to her for when things weren't all that good. She took a glance out the window only seeing everyone in their normal routines walking through the busy city. Her journal already consists of so many pages of that same scene. Looking to her right she noticed the black white and orange cat sleeping on the display case full of baked goods. A small smile appeared on her face and she picked up her pen and started sketching.

Karsyn didn't leave a single detail out of her sketch. Every little detail from each different pastry to the slightly crooked picture frame on the wall was included. She put so much work into it that she didn't notice the time going by. When she was just about finished she looked up and realised she was the only one left in the cafe. The lady from the front just had finished wiping down the table next to hers when she spun around.

"You've been working away the whole night." She spoke amazed, stood with her hands on her hips.

"Y-yeah, sorry." Karsyn stammered, thinking she was trying to kick her out. "I'll get out of your hair so you can close up." Grabbing her notebook off the table she put it in her bag.

"Oh that's alright dear. Actually we're still open for a few minuets so there's no rush." The cafe lady told her, not trying to rush her out.

"That's okay. I should be getting home anyway." Karsyn got up from her seat slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Your cafe is very lovely Ma'am and my tea was very good."

"Why thank you! I'm Cass by the way but everyone calls me Aunt Cass." Aunt Cass introduced, holding out her hand that wasn't holding a rag.

"Karsyn." She smiled, . "It was nice meeting you. I'll definitely be back another time." With that she turned and made her way to the door nearly running into someone who was just walking in. "Oh sorry."

"That's okay, go ahead." The tall male held the door open for her to which she replied with a shy 'thanks'. "Hey. Do you need a ride home? It's kind of late." He asked her just as she passed him.

"I think I'll be alright, im just down the street." She answered with a point of her thumb. "Thank you for the offer though."

"Okay well have a good night then. Get home safe." He waved to her showing a caring smile then walking into the cafe.

"Thanks." Karsyn breathed out as she watched the door close behind him. He was very nice for not knowing who she was, she thought while making her way back home. Her apartment was actually further than 'just down the street' but she didn't want him to know that.

Back in the cafe Aunt Cass greeted the boy that had just walked in. "That was nice of you, Tadashi." She told her nephew referring to his offer. He simply shrugged.

"It's late. I just wanted to make sure she gets home safe." He grinned as he grabbed another rag and wiped down another table.

"You're too nice for your own good." Aunt Cass shook her head. The both of them finished closing up the cafe then got ready to start dinner.

Of course Tadashi helped Aunt Cass make dinner in the apartment that was above the cafe. Tadashi set up the table while Aunt Cass waited for their chicken to be ready.

"I'll go tell Hiro that dinners almost ready." He told her once he placed the last plate.

Jogging up the stairs to their third floor which just so happens to be Tadashi's and his little brothers room, Hiro was at his desk working on a project that he's been at for the whole day.

"Hey little bro! Dinners almost ready." He said, leaning on the railing at the top of the steps. Hiro didn't turn to him. All his focus was on his robot.

"Okay. I'll be down in a sec." He told his brother. Tadashi scoffed, moving over to his side of the room where he took off his grey cardigan as well as his hat and placed them both on his bed.

"Whatchu working on over there?" Tadashi asked spotting all the parts to his brothers project all over Hiros desk.

"A robot." He said simply. The boy rolled across the room and grabbed a smaller screwdriver and back to his desk but was stoped by his older brother. Tadashi was leaned over his desk looking at what he has put together so far. "And what is this bot for?" He questioned

"I don't know. Cause I want to." Hiro lied. He knows what he's building it for. Hiro pushed away his brother with one hand but Tadashi didn't move a bit. Too interested in this mysterious project. Soon enough there were footsteps heard coming up the wooden stairs and Aunt Cass appeared at the top.

"Boys, dinners ready." She said, looking at the two of them.

"Okay we'll be right down, Aunt Cass." Tadashi answered for the both of them. She smiled at both of them bonding before making her way back downstairs.

"Alright." She said. Tadashi turned back to his brother giving him a small wack on the back of his head.

"Lets go dork."

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