Guess We're Tagged Mah BOISSS

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1. What's your full name?

Victoria Elizabeth Bogedain
(All I ask is you don't hunt me down, other than that I'm fine with you knowing my name)

2. Do you have any hobbies?

Does sleeping count?? Nah, nah, I guess drawing, writing (though I'm always afraid people don't wanna read what I'd like to write.. I'll say some books I have been debating on writing at the end), talking to people

3. What's you're favorite song?

I guess it'd be Kurapika's Character Song (Listen to it if you have time)

4. What's your home screen background?

My deceased kitten

My deceased kitten

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5. Do you have any big dreams?

Living in Washington with my boyfriend, either being a Voice Actor, Manga Artist/Writer, Photographer, or Cosplayer

6. Did you sleep well last night?

Dude, it is night... Right now, but the last night I slept, I forced myself to sleep. Though I did sleep throughout the whole night so I guess pretty good..

7. How many friends do you have?

All together? I'd say about 18
(Included my boyfriend since he's my best friend along with lover.. Without him it's 17)

8. Do you like math?

I didn't used to, but I do now

9. What's your favorite subject?

It used to be social studies, but it switched to math and science..

10. Where are you from?

Monroe Michigan, right next to Lake Erie

11. Do you like sports?

Depends on the sport

12. Are you healthy?


13. How much do you cost?

My friend will pay you just to take me (It's an inside joke)

14. Do you have any favorite singers?

Honestly, no, I don't like to say "This is my favorite singer"
I just like their music..

15. Do you have any siblings?

Yes, about 5 all together
2  Full blooded sisters
1 Full blooded brother
1 Half brother
1 Foster brother

16. Can you draw?

Just finished drawing actually, so yes..

17. How many lessons do you have Monday?

Depends on what I choose... I can choose to have a 1 on 1 lesson with teachers..

18. Do you have a crush?


19. Taken or single

Taken (by my crush <3)

20. If you had a chance to take home an idol, who would it be?

He plays Hisoka in HunterxHunter 1999 version, and it is AMAZING, he does a lot of things just to make fun of Hisoka and I love him

20 people tagged












And that's all the people I know.. Only 11 or so
(Two of the people that have been tagged are my sisters... Btw)

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