Apni hi Rang mein Mujhko rangde

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Hai guys!
I'm back with yet another one-shot.
Hope you will like it.

We can see many kites flying.
B1- Chotu,cut Ragu Di's kite yaar.
Rag- There is no one who can cut Ragini's kite. Just look how I'm going to cut your kite.
(She cuts the boy's kite)
Wohooo!!!!I won.I'm the best here.
B1- Ragu di...see your kite is stuck somewhere.
Rag- Ayyo...come let's get it.

While returning after taking the kite from the tree Ragini collides with a guy.

Rag- Sorry
Guy- I'm sorry too. Hey,can please say where is Shekar Gadodia's house?
Rag- Why are you asking for his house?
Guy- Oh..so you are the don here?
B1- Not don but champion
Rag- Will you say now?
Guy- Woh...we came here for fixing alliance
Rag- Hmm...then I can't say..bye

Ragini leaves from here.

Guy- Who shall I ask now?

Suddenly Ragini comes back gives the kite to him and goes saying "you are welcome"
The guy looks at the kite.

After sometime,

Dadi- Ragini beta, please serve them the drinks and snacks dear.
Ragini comes out in a saree, she looks at the guy whom she met and smiles.
While serving,
Guy- You could have said directly right?
Ragini giggles,serves others and go inside.

Dadi- Ragini beta,groom likes you?
Do you like him? Shall we proceed with this?
Rag-Really dadima, I'm ok with this alliance.
Dadi- You really like him right? Don't say yes for my sake.
Rag-I really like him. But my graduation?
Dadi- You can complete it after marriage ok, don't worry. Now come.

Ap- Come beta,sit near Sanskar.

Ragini goes to near that guy. While guy looks confused.
Uttara- Bhabhi,not there here.
Uttara makes her sit beside Sanskar.
While Ragini looks tear-eyed. She felt like heart- broken. She thought Laksh,her to be brother in law to be her prospectus groom.

Ragini's and Sanskar's marriage was fixed. In sometime they got married.
Sanskar was a good guy,he took care of Ragini, respected her and took her side infront of his abusive parents. The only thing he couldn't do for her is helping her graduation.
Meanwhile Laksh fought with his family specifically his parents who were against his dream of becoming naval officer. He left chasing his dream in few days after Ragini's marriage.
Though Ragini did not love Sanskar,she thought to accept her fate. She respected Sanskar a lot as he was very understanding and caring. It was only Sanskar and Uttara who support her. If Sanskar is not around her in-laws would torture and abuse Ragini.

It was the first anniversary of their marriage, Sanskar was heading from his office suddenly a lorry collided with his car. He was spot dead. Here Uttara was pulling Ragini's leg in their room when they got the news.

That day Ragini's life became hell. Her in-laws started to torture and abuse Ragini more. They held her responsible for Sanskar's death. Uttara couldn't do much.
Laksh was on a mission so he couldn't come back home for his brother's funeral.

After an year

It has been an year of Sanskar's demise. Ragini was living a dreadful life. Uttara tried so many ways to help her but nothing was possible. The only time Ragini smiles or be happy is when she's with Uttara.

One day, Uttara came with a form to Ragini
Rag- What's this Uttu...you know right your mom will not allow me continue my graduation nahh.
Utt- Once you ask her...please for me
Saying this Uttara took Ragini to Ap.

Utt-Maa Ragu bhabhi wanted to ask you something
Ragini was glaring Uttara while Uttara was eyeing her to say.

Ap- What did you want to ask you witch?

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