Wait what?

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She woke to the sound of the front door opening, Ace and Penny barking, and a bunch of noise. She was still on the couch, it was the next morning. She turns and sees Mike walking in. "Are you just getting home? Ware were you all night?!" She says making her way to him. "Out." Mike replies, in a straight heartless way. "Out? Out ware? You couldnt have called, or answered when I called you? What the heck MIke." Carrie was getting annoyed. "Sorry ok, I need to sleep, can we talk more later?" Mike made his way to the stairs until Carrie cut infront of him. "NO, we are gonna talk about this now, you cant keep doing this. First it's gone all day, back late, now it's sleep all day gone all night? This is not okay, and NOT how i want my marrige!" Carrie yelled, "Well maybe we shouldnt be married." Mike mumbled under his breath, pushing past Carrie and walking up the stairs.

Carrie heard what he said, but didnt say anything, she couldnt beleive he was saying that. She went back over to the couch, and thought about what Mike had just said to her, then her phone went off inturupting her thoughts. She looked down, " Paisley" was on her screen. "God, Brad, now is not a good time." she said to her self, but she answered anyways. "hello?" She asked in a seemingly annoyed tone. "uh.. bad time?" Brad asked, "no, no. Sorry, Whats up?" " Uhm, Our lunch?.. we planned yeterday, for 12:00, its almost one now, I didnt know if you forgot or something.." She had forgotten all about her lunch with Brad, she over slept was late. "Oh crap! No, Im comming, give me 15? Im gonna change then be on my way!" They hung up and Carrie hurried up stairs to change out of her clothes, which were still from yesterday.

She peeked on her room before heading out, finding Mike out cold. She scuffed and walked out, she had never been so mad at him. She took a look in the morror, she had no makeup on, and her hair was a waivey mess. She was all natural, she didnt really like the look, "At least Brad does" she said to herself. Wait, why did she care? She felt very confused with her impulsive thoughts about Brad liking the way she looked, why did it even matter to her, she thought to herself. She fluffed her hair, hen hurried out to meet Brad.

"Bout' time Underwood!" Brad greeted Carrie at the small cafe, "Hey! I know, Im sorry, crazy morning, I over slept, and then-" Brad cut her off, " Its ok! haha, at least ya showed up" He smiled at her. "Yeah" she replied smiling. The two talked, laughed, and joked. Carrie completely forgetting about her fight with Mike, and the divorce threat. They ate lunch, and after the bill came, Brad of course insisted he pay. They got up, and walked around Nashville a bit. They window shopped, stopped and listened to people playing on the streets. People of course knowing who they are, played some of their songs, and that included remind me. Brad tipped the street players, and they moved on. They took goofie pictures, bought one another a silly present from a little gift shop they stopped by. And before they knew it, it was almost six o'clock.

"I should probably, get going.. its been fun! But I have so much to do at home." Carrie lied, but she wanted to get home and talk to Mike. "Yeah, it is getting late, I need to get home before the Kids' bed time." They said there goodbyes and went to their separate cars.

"wow, that was so much fun. Hadnt had that much fun with someone in awhile" carrie thought to herself, as she was driving. She was driving listening to music, and recapping her and Brad's little outing, when she was interupted by a loud noise, and a stinky smell. "what the heck?" Then, just like that, her car stopped. She had broken down, 10 miles from her house and 5 from any gas station. "uggg Crappp!" she yelled, hitting the steering wheel. She called Mike, as usual no answer. She didnt have any friends on this side of town, and didnt want to make anyone drive too far, then she thought.." brad" So she called him, and of course he turned his car around in a heart beat, and headed her way.
"Always something with you, ain't it underwood ?" Brad joked. "Thank you so much, I'm so sorry, to have had to call you, It just-" Brad cut her off, "it's okay, really" He said with a smile.
Carrie got in the passenger seat, and they headed for her house. The car ride with Brad was so different than with Mike, they were singing, and joking, she always felt so comfortable with him.
They reached her house, of course no Mike. Brad got out and walked Carrie to the door, they were just casually talking on the walk up her drive way to the front door. "Well, thank you again, what would I do with out Ya Paisley?" carrie joked, leaning in for a hug. They held onto each other for a couple of seconds. Brad tilted his head back to look into Carrie's eyes, they stood there for only a second more before their lips crashed into one another's. Brad reached further around Carrie tightening his grip around her, carrie gradually moved her hands arounds his neck and leaned further into the kiss.
Still on her front porch, they stood, embracing each other. They weren't kissing rough, but not gentle by any means. It was simply passionate . Only stopping to catch in 2 seconds of breath before heading back in. Finally they slowly separated, they starred into each other's eyes, both feeling confused.
"I - thank you..again for the ride.."Carrie's voice trailed off as she practically busted through her front door and out of Brad's sight. While Brad stood there. In shock and awe. He had no idea what he had what his feelings were. His best friend... Why was he feelings this way after kissing someone who he thought was just his friend... He's married. And the women he now feels he is I love with isn't his wife.

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