About that 7th crush

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Yeah, I thought this book would be over with and that I would be single forever. But the 7th crush is finally coming to surface.

So in the description it said I was talking to my 7th crush. He at the time had texted me and told me that he liked me. And I thought that we were going somewhere with that. So this is my letter to him.

Dear Lucky 7,

I'm sad to say that I thought you were going to be the one even though I knew in my heart and my gut that you wasn't. But I wanted it to be true so bad. I was getting tired of being alone. And you filled that void. Although you were a year younger and still in school it didn't really bother me much.

You were aight to talk to. You didn't have much to say but that was fine because I always had something to talk about, sometimes. I tried to make as much convo as possible because it was kind of getting lame. And the fact you never really talked about your feelings was a MAJOR turn off and you were kind of childish.

I tried helping you with college applications and the FAFSA but you just lost motivation. I encouraged you as much as possible, I tried being your number one fan when I found out you got offered 2 D1 to play college basketball. I tried to compliment you about your playing because you were so doubtful about yourself. I tried being your friend but you just kept trying your moves on me that it confused me when you decided to go ghost mode or whateva the FUCK!

But the FUCKED up part about you going ghost mode was you told me, and then you suggested me your BEST FRIEND to keep me company?? What the hell do I look like? I didn't need your friends company while you went ghost, I wasn't some fucking doll for you to just pass around like tf? And then you said he was 'chill' and he JUST BROKE UP WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND??? Who the hell? Anyways, I know I covered this up by providing screenshots in the previous chapter.

His friend did call me to check up on me, but other than that, I try and make it known that I'm not interested. And then #7 FINALLY decided to call me while he was taking a shit to check up on me. I did confront him on the fact that I felt like a rag doll being passed and that I never needed his friends company. But it was nice of him to suggest because I would've been bored. And then He had the audacity to ask 'wait, we're we ever a thing? Was this a thing?' And I HAD TO SAY NO BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT TO LOOK STUPID FOR THINKING IT WAS! So I said no. And then I knew I couldn't trust you anymore. Or hold you for those promises.

I hope you graduate this year🤭 good luck in college! I'm still going to root for you aight! I hope you know how proud I am of you and how proud you're making your family! Keep going future NBA even though you wanna be a detective like tf?💀 anyways. Stay lit, stay positive.

Yours truly,


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