Is This the Future?

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I need to make a fresh start and need something that just takes my mind of things, and with this virus I can't exactly just go and take a Walk, I'm going a little stir crazy just being at home. And I still can't completely put my whole self into my other works. I am working on them it's just a slow and hard process for me atm. So hope you guys like this and can be patient with me. It's very different from what I've written before.

"How did I get myself into this situation!?" I shouted out my frustration, as the zombie behind me kept getting closer, I could almost feel her breath on me. Still I was losing the battle as I could feel my lungs start to burn and felt how hopeless my situation really was. I'm going to die!! I'm actually going to die, I'd never thought that I'd die so young and still never had my first kiss. What a sad life I've lived, turning a corner I knew I wouldn't make it, and yet before I knew it I felt myself be pulled back.

Closing my eyes I waited and embraced my future as a mindless zombie. As the second ticked past and still nothing I chanced a glance around me. I was on the floor of some restaurant. Looking up to see a boy with a eyepatch, as he was looking out a hole in the boarded up windows. "Hey" "SHH!" he quieted any questions I had. As a short time had passed it felt like eons just waiting, thinking one of those things would come crashing through, it was a plus to being in a small town, in the bigger cities I'd have to be worrying about the hordes.

As the boy sighed I felt myself imitating him as I let go of the breath I was holding. "Uh thank you, you saved my life, I was about to accept I'd be eating people for the rest of my life" I nervously laughed as the boy simply looked down at me. Not sure what to do I looked around further, "nice place you got here, how long have you been hiding out here?" I ask hoping to stop the awkwardness I felt. "Awhile" he answered as he walked to the kitchen part of the restaurant, scrambling to catch up. No way was I standing near the entrance, not with that crazy zombie still out there.

"So the names Bill, Bill Cipher, you got a name?" I asked he turns and simply says "Dipper" no last name? Deciding not to push him on it I nod my head. "You hungry?" He asks, vigorously shaking my head "yes please, I learned never turn down food, never know when you'll be eating again" he laughs as he goes to one of the cabinets and pulls out a can,tossing it to me. Brown meat, first time seeing something like this. Taking the can opener and digging in, I moan at the taste of the meat substitute how long has it been since I've had meat.

Looking at the boy I have to ask "Why aren't you eating?" He blushes "Promise not to freak out?" He says as he moves a way a little, edging closer to the door. "Look you just saved my life and handed me free food, I think I can hear you out....unless your a cannibal!" shaking his head "No! Nothing like that"

"Oh well then good, continue" I say stuffing my face with more fake ground meat. "Well what do you know about the zombies?" He asks, shrugging my shoulders "not much, they eat peolple, and are mindless a little bite happy, there the undead basically..." I state the standard knowledge everyone should know.

"Well I guess you could say I'm researching them....and I've made some astonishing break throughs" he says eagerly. "Cool, like what? a cure?" I say licking my spoon clean. Shaking his head he moves a little closer and I get a better look at him, he's pale, almost sickly so. Not to mention how torn up his clothes are, that's when I see it the bite mark on his neck I gasped. He backs up "I found there are stages of the an extent to how it affects the body" he says and I can't stop gasping "your one of them, a zombie!" I say not sure what I should do, run? Or stay and listen... "I'm not exactly one, nor am I really completely human" "so what are you?" I ask his head drops and he says it so quietly I struggle to hear him "I don't know, half maybe".

I stand there and stare half!? Like half human and half zombie? I don't know what to do or think, looking back at the boy he looks so nervous. "Let me see your other eye?" I say, its morbid curiosity that keeps my feet grounded. Slowly he approaches and starts to remove his eyepatch. After it's off he opens his eye and that's when I see it, the black and green eye of a infected human.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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