Chapter Eleven

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 Chapter Eleven

“Rise and shine doll!” The door burst open and hit the wall with a loud crash, but Lacey didn’t falter, striding into the room as if it were her own. Katerina rubbed her eyes and curled up tighter, shivering at the cold air brought in by the open door. Peeking out from her bundle of blankets, she saw Lacey throw the curtains open, sending a blinding streak of sunlight directly into her eye.

“What are you doing?” Katerina mumbled; burying herself deeper into the warm bed but Lacey was not having any of it today. Grabbing the bottom edge of the blankets she gave and sharp tug and in a second Kat was lying on the bed in nothing but her oversized shirt and underwear, the bed sheets in a crumpled pile on the floor.

“Wow, when Felix said every single inch of your room was covered in books, I found myself a little skeptical...but you never fail to impress.” Katerina finally sat up, the memories of last night flooding into her head.

“Anyway, we’ve got training in five, so go take a shower and I’ll get your clothes for you.”

Too tired to think, Katerina trudged into the bathroom stepped into the shower letting the cold water pound the sluggishness from her body and finally Katerina was able to fully process the fragmented thoughts. That had been the first night of sleep that hadn’t been plagued by nightmares. In fact, she didn’t even dream at all. Maybe....maybe she really could be fixed. Drying her hair off and wrapping the towel around her, Kat walked into her room to find Lacey standing in front of her closet.

“Do you ever think...maybe you could switch the wardrobe up a little?” She said, running a hand over the clothes hanging there

“Because all I see are hoodies and leggings. Also a pair of sweatpants.” Katerina shrugged and grabbed a hoodie at random.

“What? They’re comfortable.”

“Oh...” Lacey laughed nervously

“This is terrifying. I’m taking you shopping as soon as class is over.” Katerina frowned as she pulled on the clothes.

“And I suppose those are suitable for training?” She gestured to Lacey who was wearing a white summer dress that seemed to hug her curves perfectly before flaring out at the waist.

“Okay just because we’re going to be all sweaty and gross, doesn’t mean I can’t look good while doing it. I think of it as... endurance training. Learning to adapt to my circumstances. I’ll have you know by the end of the year I’ll be kicking ass in a pair of 4 inch heels.”

Kat only looked at Lacey for a second before pulling her hair up into a ponytail and ushering her out of the room.

“Come on, we’re going to be late.”

“So where did you disappear to last night? I stayed up a while waiting but when you didn’t come back...” Lacey asked this tentatively as they walked down the hall of bedrooms and entered the kitchen/lounge area where a few girls were scattered around.

“Oh, I forgot something back in the woods so I went back and...” Kat paused for a second. She found herself wanting to tell Lacey about everything that had happened, but her mouth just couldn’t seem to form the words.

“Don’t worry, I get it.” Lacey waved her hand while they began walking down the stairs

“Everyone has their secrets” She winked at Kat and they settled into a comfortable silence as they walked to the gym.

There were a significant number of people missing Kat noticed as she walked into the gym.

“Where is everyone? Last time we were here there were about double the number.” Lacey shrugged and greeted a few people.

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