Kiss and Makeup- Zayn

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The sound of gentle rainfall tapped on the window panes of your small one bedroom apartment, interrupted only by the occasional sound of the traffic on the street below. You roll over, unable to get comfortable and look at the clock. It blinks back at you reading 2:25 am unsympathetic to your insomnia. Taking a deep breath you sigh and reach for your phone. Your fingers hover over his contact, waiting for the courage to press call. 

Normally you would have almost zero qualms about calling Zayn in the middle of the night but tonight was different. You had gotten into a huge fight with Zayn over something that you would now admit was pretty stupid. You where supposed to have dinner together at your place and have a nice quiet night in watching Harry Potter but Zayn was late... Again. 

Normally something like that would have mildly annoyed you but tonight when when he had finally shown up he seemed distracted and was constantly checking his phone. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for you. You said some stupid things in the heat of the moment that you wish you could take back but your pride was deflecting any inclination that your brain could dream up that involved you apologizing. After all, you weren't the only one in the wrong, he had said some hurtful things as well and he was the one who stormed out and slammed the door. 

Your breath hitched in your throat as your clumsy fingers slip and hit call. You drop your phone somewhere in the mess of pillows and blankets strewn about your bed and frantically start tearing about your bed looking for your phone until you freeze hearing a familiar accent whisper, "Y/N?" 

"Shit." The words fly out of your mouth before you can stop them. Your phone sits there resting on top of one of your pillows almost smugly. "Y/N?" Zayn's voice rings out into the stillness of your room again. You snatch your phone with lightning fast reflexes and immediately start to babble incoherently. 

"I'm sorry ,oh god I'm so sorry, I'm an idiot, I shouldn't have fought with you for something as stupid as being late or being on your phone, I don't know what I was thinking, I just miss you so much while you're on tour and I feel like even when you're here with me on the few times you get to come home you have your mind somewhere else and it sucks! It really sucks because I think about you constantly when you aren't here and when you are I feel like I'm boring you or that you aren't paying attention to what I'm saying, I mean I know I can ramble sometimes bu-"

"Shhh Y/N, love... it's okay. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten so upset and I certainly shouldn't have stormed out the way I did. I guess the pressure of being on tour and being away from you is getting to me more than I realize. I can see now how it looked from your perspective with me being glued to my phone. The truth is I was waiting on an email confirmation from management. I was going to surprise you tonight and show you the email that detailed our flight information. I was nervous and kept checking because they hadn't emailed it yet and I was worried they forgot to send it. "

You felt the air whoosh out of your lungs just as the tears pricked in your eyes. "I am an idiot." Was all you could manage to whisper. Your mind was a thousand mile an hour whirlwind of thoughts. "You're not an idiot, love. I understand why you were upset. I shouldn't have been late either. That one I don't have an excuse for unfortunately. I was so excited to surprise you I wanted to bring you your favorite coffee but the line was long and I had to leave without it because I realized I was going to be late."

"You didn't need to bring me coffee, Z! God knows that joining you on tour would have been enough of a surprise!" You stammer, still in shock. You had always wanted to join Zayn and his bandmates on tour but management usually said no to those kind of requests because they needed the boys to focus. "I know baby, but I wanted to. I'll always want to spoil you. I'm your boyfriend, that's sort of my job." His raspy sleep ridden voice was soft through the speakers of your phone and you felt a familiar heat spread across your cheeks.

 "Can I come over now, love? I know it's late but I really want to see your face in person." There is a slight break in his voice and you can hear just how badly he wants to make things up to you. "Of course you can, just please promise me you'll be careful. You sound exhausted and I don't want anything to happen to you." You hear a small chuckle on the other end of the line before he whispers "Alright, love. Sit tight, I'll be there in 10 minutes." 

The line clicks and goes dead. You sit there basking in the warm fuzzy feels for a millisecond before realizing that Zayn was going to be HERE. In ten minutes. You dart to the bathroom only to gasp in horror at what had happened to your hair. It was sticking up in every angle imaginable and frizzy beyond belief. If that wasn't bad enough you had accidentally given yourself a red mark on your left cheek from resting it on your palm while talking on the phone with Zayn. 

Quietly hissing every expletive you can think of, you ferociously yank a brush through your tangled hair and splash cold water on your face trying to at least fade some of the redness. Much to your dismay it wasn't working so you did what any desperate 20 something would do. You ran to your freezer and grabbed the first package of small frozen vegetables you could find and pressed them to your cheek while uttering a silent prayer to the gods of skincare. 

Before you could react there is a soft knock at the door and the door swings open to reveal Zayn, drenched in rain yet somehow looking flawless. You forget completely about the redness on your face and drop the frozen veggies and throw yourself into his arms and bury your face in his warm neck. You can feel your heart rate slow as you breathe in that familiar coveted scent of his cologne and your struck with the realization that you really are the luckiest girl in the entire world. 

"So do you fondle frozen vegetables while I'm gone often, or was this a special occasion..."

"Shut up and kiss me Zayn." 

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