A new bond?

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I stand still near the bush, trying to carefully listen if i heard right or not. The breathing has slowed down. Suddenly a phone rang up, the person behind the bush out of nowhere stand up and threw the phobe on ground. His eyes has turned red and in a glimpse he ran out of the view.
The phone is still ringing. I hesitate for a moment then out of concern for the person on the other side or curiousity we can say,  I answer the phone.  I didn't even speak when the person on the opposite side response "Hello,  hey mr s-l-.... " , before i could even hear clearly the person who just ran away ,grab the phone from my hand .
"Hey you,  don't you have any manners or what? , how did you answer my phone without my permission" I know it's my fault, but before I could even apologize he's again out of sight. 
I felt a tap on my shoulder and i looked back to find neen looking at me in surprise "who was he ?and why did he ran away like that? "
"I don't really know who is he or why did he ran away but i think i piss him off "i answer still rearranging the whole situation happened just now. "Leave it p'neen call me,  we need to go to the gathering hall  now " Ning said as she start walking back.

P'neen was standing outside the faculty with a worried face,  "where did u two went? And why is your phone unreachable nong Angel"
"sorry p i didn't realize we will get late and we were near the faculty of Fine arts" I said apologizing."Now hurry up both of u and go register your names and collect the name tags fast. "
We then walk inside,  its like a dream for me which i never wanna woke up. I was kinda hungry  but i need to attend the welcoming ceremony too. I ask p'neen" aren't we gonna grab some coffee or something p? "
"ahmmm well let's do one thing first we should attend the ceremony,  then i will bring you some food. Other wise he's gonna bury me alive " she said
"who gonna bury u alive p? " i ask her
"pro-pro-professor nong..  If we go late then we will be late for the class too na yes yes hehe" she said half stuttering half speaking. I manage to nod on that. In my mind I'm jumping., I'm so excited for the ceremony as well as to meet all my friends and seniors. We Finally reach the hall,  seniors are helping the nongs to register their name and passing the nametags. The line was still short that means I'm not that late, in a few minutes my turn came i waii both the seniors and sign up my name and collect the name tag. P'neen was standing behind the seniors and as soon as both of us r done, she took us in the hall.  The hall is still kinda empty, p'neen sight on the ring of her phone and said " nong i will back in a min pls wait! "
She came back after some mintues, we are still roaming around the hall till now, slowly the seniors and freshers are coming in . P'neen then said us to sit down in the front row which is still like the only row made by some students sitting and talking. Then she call some seniors and stand in front of us and announce " all the first year students pls sit down, some of the seniors are attending their morning class so they will be here in some minutes , till then interact with all of us as much as u want , no need to be scared" .
All the freshers including me were looking quite happy, some of the students sitting near us introduce themselves followed by more students and even seniors walking near by. Soon the whole hall is introducing each other,  it looks a family gathering. P'neen said introducing herself "sawadee na nongs I'm p'neen na and lets sing a song till we wait for our seniors and my friends to join"
"how about perfect? "
"yes p"
Okk p"
"hoeeii my favorite na yessssss"
The hall fill with cheering and agreement..
And then the hall started filling with seniors rushing inside singing too.
"I NEVER KNEW THAT SHE WAS THE SOMEONE WAITING FOR ME ......" And the seniors ball dance together followed by some seniors asking freshers to join...  The hall was filled with the sound of laughter,  cheering and singing. I was looking at them giggling and smiling then a senior dancing appear in fornt of me from the middle of the seniors and smile at me. He ask me then "welcome nong whats your name? " "My name is Angel "...
To be continued..........
Author's note
I hope u all like this chapter,  the roller coaster ride is about to began!tight your seat belts and get ready to get lost or find a home in the world of bonds..

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