Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV:

            "P-Please! I didn't do anything wrong!!" The women says, I slowly walk up to her "You are a sinner, that is what you did wrong" I say in a boring tone, I took my scythe out and sliced her body in half. I was then teleported to a place, everything was red and the women that I had killed earlier is standing in front of me, perfectly normal, as if I didn't kill her

             "Ah, a women who kills men. An interesting women you brought for me, (Y/N)" A male voice said, I nod my head and turn to look at him "And which level will she be sent to?" I ask the man who is my boss, he just smiles, his sharp teeth showing while he puts his finger on his lip "The ninth level, obviously" he says and I nod

              "She must've done a lot of shit stuff to go there" I say, my tone is always in a boring tone "Which is why you're my favorite sinner while you were alive" he says and pats my head "And now that you work for me as the grim reaper, you always kill the most interesting one, well..sometimes" he says and I nod again

              The women kept screaming but I just blocked her off, it was easy for me to do that, I've been working as a grim reaper for months so it became a habit. The women eventually gets sent to the ninth level and it was just me and Satan "Aren't you going to send me back?" I ask him and he just chuckles "Of course I am, be patient. I just wanted to see how you were doing" he says

             I raise my eyebrow "Why? You know I see you like, every damn day, right?" I said and raise my eyebrow and he chuckles again "Of course I know but still, is it wrong for me to check on my favorite sinner?" He ask and looks down on me with a smirk on his face. I sigh and look away from him "No, it isn't" I say and continue to look at the place, we were in hell now

           The place was empty, we were on a cliff, the place mostly filled with mountains made out of rocks and a throne next to me, that's where Satan sits "Anyways, you can go back now. You know the drill" He says and sits down on his throne "I shall see you soon, (Y/N)" he says and sends me back on the human world

           I was standing next to woman who I had killed earlier, I squad down and flip her body over, her chest facing me. I took her knife out of her pocket and cut her heart out, her heart was now in my hands, it's not beating anymore. I put her knife in my shoe and just look at her, taking a bite on the heart "Thanks for the food and knife, lady" I say and walk away

           I decided to stop killing for a bit since I recently killed one, I went in the forest that was just across the road. It was already night, I went on a cliff and "Piuqer" I said and the black coat and the red scarf that I was wearing earlier had vanish. When I say that word, I can change my clothes magically (Yes exactly like Erza) I was now just wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a big 'X' mark in the middle, the shirt was long so it  almost reached to my knee, I was wearing black tights as well (Picture above)

             I looked at the dark blue sky, stars everywhere with a big bright moon. I sigh and close my eyes for a minute, letting the cold wind blow my (H/L) (H/C) hair, taking slow deep breathes but I what I didn't know was, 3 guys behind me, watching my every move, ever since I stepped into the forest

Masky's POV:

            [I swear to god, I will throw this guy off a cliff] I think to myself "Hey Masky! Hey! Hey Masky! Maskyyyyyy~" a very familiar and annoying voice said as he kept poking me on the cheek "Toby, if you do not shut up and stop poking me, I will shot you in the head" I said. He stops and pouts [I swear he is like a 5 year old kid sometimes...] *snap* 

            The three of us immediately stop moving after hearing that "You guys...heard that too...right?" Hoodie says softly. Toby and I nod our heads, we hear footsteps coming closer, I hid behind a tree, Hoodie up in the tree and Toby...I have no idea. I peek out and see a big coat with a red scarf walking, I raise my eyebrow [Who the hell is this person?] I think to myself

            The person was now gone and we came out of our hiding spot, Toby is still nowhere to be seen "Toby? Get your ass here right now!" I said softly. Toby is now hanging upside down on a tree "Yeah?" I took my gun out and hit him in the head, he falls down but get up quickly "W-What was t-t-that f-for!?" he says and I put my gun back in my holster "Shut up, now then, let's follow that person" I said

            We start walking and we stop near by a tree, we see the person walking all the way at the top. The three of us went up on the nearest tree to the person and just watched her "Piuqer" I hear the person say, the voice sounded like a feminine voice, so I'm guessing it was a girl. Her coat and scarf disappears and we can see her from the side only

            She had (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, she had a white long sleeve shirt with black tights. She just stood there with her eyes closed, the wind comes and blow her hair [She's...actually kinda nice to look at..] Wait...WHAT!? I slap myself, hard...Hoodie and Toby turn their heads and look at me as if I was crazy "Why...did you do that?" Hoodie ask "It's nothing, don't worry" I said softly  

          He nods and turn his head back to the girl [What the fuck was I thinking just now?...I don't even know this human, for all I know this girl is a bitch] I think to myself and nod in agreement. Her eyes open wide and she grabs her head "W-Wait...please stop! I-I was just taking a break!!" she says loudly [What the hell?] That was all I could think off

          She falls to her knees, still holding her head "I-I'll get b-back to work, I-I swear! P-Please stop!!" she says again, her breathing gets heavy and suddenly, she stops. Whatever she was doing, she just stops, she gets back on her feet "Piuqer" she says and her coat and red scarf is on her [Better go and tell this to Slender] I think to myself

         She sighs "Time to get back to work then" she says in a bored tone, she turns around and walks away, probably out of the forest. She was no longer in our sight so we jump out of the tree "Come on, we should get back to the mansion and report this to Slender" I say and they both nod

(Y/N)'s POV:

             As I was resting, I could hear a very familiar voice in my head "Don't stop killing, (Y/N)~"  my eyes shot wide open, my head started to hurt like hell. I grab it "W-Wait...please stop! I-I was just taking a break!!" I said "Tsk, tsk tsk...when did I ever say you can have a break, (Y/N)?~" My head started to hurt more and my body was getting weak, I fell on my knees and grab my harder "I-I'll get b-back work, I-I swear! P-Please stop!!" I said "Hmm...fine but now you have to kill 2 humans for me instead of one, got that? Now get going

           The pain in my head disappears, I stand up and said "Piuqer" my coat and red scarf is back and I sigh "Time to get back to work then" I said to myself and walk out of the forest. 

Hello my Yoshi humans! New story and this idea was actually by person named GRAVEWEAVER on an app called Webtoon. One of her stories that I love is called 'I'm the Grim Reaper" which is also the title of this new book of mine. I know the first part is confusing but for those of you who have read her book, you understand and I have actually added a few things, changed a few things from her book in my story. The women in this book is not from her, I made that up so go and check her story out but if you're lazy then that's fine, you'll understand as you continue to read this book, it will be explained so don't worry!! Anyways, it is now 4:13 am for me so I am going to go sleep, goodnight and I will see you guys in the next chapter. Goodbye my Yoshi humans!! 

(Words: 1536)

The Grim Reaper (Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now