Chapter 2

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“I’m Josh.”

“Hey, I’m Sophie.” I introduced myself to ‘Josh’ who had also come outside to get some fresh air. He said that he was getting way too nervous in there with all the other desperate contestants.

We started to talk but being my awkward self, I’m not great at keeping up a conversation. I did find out that Josh was in a band; Triple J, with two of his friends JJ and Jaymi. After a while Josh made his way back inside to find his group so they could continue to practice their harmonies and what not. Once again I was outside, alone again, feeling enclosed by all the surrounding buildings.

Grey clouds started to cover the sky and soon rain drops started to slowly fall, before getting heavier and heavier. I ran inside before I got soaked so I didn’t look like a drowned rat in front of everybody. The room was now half as full as it had been before as the boys and the girls categories had all been and gone and were now waiting for their results in another room.

As I made my way through the remaining contestants, I had to barge my way through as they huddle tightly close to the stage, waiting to be called forward. Suddenly I’d walked straight into someone and before I could say sorry, Josh was already introducing me to JJ and Jaymi. They seemed like lovely boys and after talked to them for a bit I wished them good luck before leaving the room and heading off to find my mum or dad. As I walked I let my mind wander into a daydream. I wondered whether or not I’d ever see the Triple J boys again, whether they’d make it through, or maybe there was another boy band that was better than them?

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