chapter 3

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“Is it me, or are we not getting much attention no more?” Sam asks aloud, he’s unloading his guitar back into its case. Elsewhere Hector nods in agreement while Brandon is next to the cat frowning as he’s unloading his bass guitar as well.

“Yeah, it sucks, doesn’t it?” The Wolf asks then he shakes his upper body to ease himself. He scratches behind his ear and continues on “You think it has something to do with the rumours?”

“Doubt it.” Alexander pipes up holding his throat and walking over. He glances to Jackson who is looking over his drum kit, the Spider has been acting a little weird today, wonder why. He ignores his concerns as hangs his arms on Sam and Brandon’s shoulders “Rumours are rumours, I mean, who in hell would care?”

“Do you really need to ask that?” Brandon asks and gets out of the embrace.

Alexander sighs silently and decides to stay quiet as goes off into his mind, rolling his shoulders back to ease some tension.

Sure, they had fun, like usual, but tonight’s gig was rough. Hardly anyone turned up. Yeah, a couple or so dozens of dozens showed up, a decent crowd, but not as much as their peak in Hell. They’ve been losing fans gradually in these few years.

Aside from the band’s lack of audience, these past few weeks have been hectic back at the hotel.

Ever since Alastor came along, he’s been making big changes.

First, he assigned Charlie to research her project properly. To be fair, it was a little unfastened how she thought only good behaviour would help. This change was mild.

Husk and Niffty did they’re jobs. Husk manned the front desk… even though it was obviously a bar. He did well for the most part; the cat sure knows his receptionist work. And Niffty… yeah, she cleaned up everything and all and he’s grateful that he doesn’t have to breathe in so much dust anymore but she’s… a bit much. Alexander had no idea whether or not telling her that he had a girlfriend effected anything at all… he often wonders if she let it go or is silently plotting something. For someone so cute, she is terrifying when she has her moments.

The place really got cleaned up, there’s food in the kitchen now, there’s no discarded boxes or furniture anymore and the paintings have been straightened. The place was doing well…

For the most part.

No other patrons came. This caused Charlie to search for alternative ways to advertise the Hotel. The average flier, word of mouth, a billboard that mysteriously got covered up by a murdering company, Alexander also thinks Charlie tried online advertisement but he doesn’t think that ended up well. But, he’s seen an ad in the newspapers recently and it looks pretty snazzy… if it wasn’t drowned out by all the sex ads and promotions for drugs.

But Angel’s still at the Hotel, he’s on watch for most of the day and is reframing from doing drugs and all that… It’s a big improvement but he still goes out to his job. There’s nothing no one can do about that, it’s Angel’s livelihood. He’ll hopefully get out. Hopefully.

Angel continues to flirt with Alexander when they’re both alone. Aside from trying to deflect most of Angel’s attempts and telling him that he’s in a relationship or turning into a complete sputtering mess, they do get along for the most part. Angel likes talking about his Pig, Fat Nuggets, of whom is totally not in Angel’s room chilling out and pampered with a fluffy bed, hidey hole and has a little table that he eats from. Absolutely not .

Oh, and Husk, oh boy. He’s fun when he’s on the piss! Husk gets looser, he gets a red blush and he’s quite loose lipped. Not fully, he liked commenting on people when you ask. He said Alexander was a “Weird, tall and edgy dork with a concerning obsession with flowers.” And Alexander thought it was hilarious! Too bad it doesn’t happen often, so far it’s only happened twice.

Every Rose Has its thorn (a Hazbin hotel story)Where stories live. Discover now