My mothers would be thrilled (ONESHOT)

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Read the text from Jeremy. Michael took a quick glance at the phone letting his chest give out a sigh. Things had started going back to normal, as normal as it could be after almost destroying and entire high school. But the lump that had been given years to form in Michael Mell's belly wasn't shrinking in size. The white light from the phone lighted his face, other than that his room was pitch black. He just really liked the vibe it gave. Laying there, listening to Bob Marley songs, once in a while letting his weed-y brain create scenes of life in front of his eyes. Tonight he was laying in silence, letting scenario after scenario play out in his mind. How do you tell your best friend you're sort of madly in love with him?


He replied quickly. Maybe he should just write it? After all, the truth would sooner or later get out. As his mothers would tell him from time to time. "Fucking hell!" He sighed and pressed his hands hard into his face. As if the very impact would explode his head into the pillow underneath him. Feelings were so hard to deal with, couldn't it all just be easy? He didn't even know if Jeremy was anything other than straight. After all, he had been trough quite the fuzz to get with Christine. "Go live happily with FUCKIN CHRISTINE THEN!" He called out into his hands. Feeling hot wet tears burn behind his closed eyelids.
His phone buzzed again. 


The last text from Jeremy was shortly followed by a sound on his window. Michael was living on the second floor of his house but often times him and Jeremy had snuck into his bedroom window, which was quite easy to climb up to if you where half decent at climbing trees. There was a big one just outside. Michael got up to his window only to see his best friend sitting at the edge of a branch, tossing another small pebble at his window. Michael opened quickly.
"Come in or you'll fall and break something." He said, beckoning Jeremy inside. "It was getting kind of cold." Jeremy replied with a chuckle. "Thought you had fallen asleep or something. It's so dark in here."
Michael shrugged in the darkness and went to turn his bedside lamp on. "I like it dark. Sets the mood. Gives a good feeling." He hear Jeremy laugh behind him. "Feeling a what? Depression?!" They both sank down beside his bed. Letting their backs rest against the mattress. "So..." Michael began, picking underneath his thumb nail. "How'd the date go?" His best friend seemed lost in thought. "Huh...?" He replied distantly. Michael waved a hand in front of his face. "Hello? Earth to Jeremy Heere?!" When he got no reply he continued. "The DATE? With Christine? Did that thing in your brain fuck all the circuits up or what?" He gave a small chuckle. "Oh. Yeah. The date." Said Jeremy. "I mean I guess it went okay..." he shrugged. "I didn't go bad or anything. I just..." he let out a sigh, his eyes darting all around the room. "I just don't think it' out."
Michael felt a sting of pain, here was his best friend sitting, upset, and he was angry because he was madly in love with him. "Hey." Michael said softly, patting Jeremy on the shoulder. "I'm really sorry for that. What made you think that?" He was going to be a fucking good friend, he was not going to let his feeling compromise the friendship he had with Jeremy. If he was sad then Michael Mell would damn fucking straight be sad with him!
Jeremy seemed slightly uncomfortable, his fingers jittery, he was biting his lower lip and breathing strange. "What?" Michael asked again. Jeez, maybe she'd been real mean to him. What would he do if his best friend started crying. He wasn't trained for this sort of thing.
"Because..." Jeremy said with a long inhale. "...I like someone else." Jeremy straightened his back and let his head fall against the mattress. Michael was desperate to have his hand lost in the waves of Jeremys' hair, it felt like a wall between them, he wanted to taste the skin between chin and shoulder, taste his lips. He almost didn't hear when Jeremy called. "HELLO? Are you even listening?"

Michael snapped back to reality. ", you like someone else." Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but you clearly didn't hear me when I told you who." Again Jeremy was biting his lip. Couldn't he just stop that? It was driving Michael crazy. "No? Alright? And who is that?" Michael said, clearly disinterested in hearing about yet another teenage girl crush.

Suddenly, as if from out of the blue, Jeremy placed a hand on his thigh. "...well..." a very long pause came. It almost felt as long as Michaels' entire life. Jeremy took a sharp inhale of breath "" he said quietly. It was more of a murmur, but the murmuring word from his best friend soon took over his entire brain. Had there been a squip inside Michael Mell at this point it would have an entire system breakdown. Jeremy quickly retracted his hand. "Sorry man! I shouldn't ha..." Jeremy did not finish his sentence before Michael grabbed hold of his chin and kissed him. It felt surreal, wonderful, amazing and dreamlike all at the same time. As his tongue explored his best friends mouth, Michael's hand finally made its way up the neck and into the hair he had been longing for. Finally letting himself grab hold of the locks of Jeremy Heere. Jeremy bit down on Michael's lip and Michael couldn't help himself but letting out a moan.
He could feel, not only himself hardening but Jeremy as well. He felt Jeremy grab hold of his belt, pulling him close onto him. Jeremy wrapped his arms tightly around Michael and let his hands slide up, underneath Michael's hoodie. The two boys broke away from the kiss, their chests heaving intensively.
Michael was speechless. "" He let out, not quite sure how to work words anymore. Was he having a gay stroke? Was he now completely brain dead? Anyway...worth it, he made mental note of. Jeremy, blushing in the soft light of the lamp scratched his neck. " know. A while. A few know. Forever." He mumbled. Michael shook his head in disbelief. " I wasn't sure you felt the same. I've never really seen you attracted to ever." He chuckled, clearly a bit embarrassed.
"DUDE!" Michael exclaimed. "You've only ever seen me attracted TO YOU! Fuck I've been wanting you since like...I don't fucking know. Kindergarten?!" They met each other's gaze, Michael sweaty and frankly...horny as hell, Jeremy staring intensively at Michael's lips. Then they kissed again. A much more determined kiss. Both knowing, both of them wanting. Jeremy wrestled Micheal to the floor, sitting across his lap. Kissing him down his neck. Michaels brain was in a completely other dimension, and this time, not because he was high. "Oh god" he let out as Jeremy was biting on his neck. Slowly he could feel his own fingers exploring the other boys body, letting his hands slide slowly over Jeremy's stomach. He could feel Jeremy giggle from his touch. "Ticklish" he let out between their lips, never ending the kiss. Jeremy had his fingers tousled in Michael's hair, letting his fingers slide in and out of brown locks. His fingers searched for Michael's belt, then the button to undo his pants.
Feeling himself pulsating under the touch, Michael let out a groan, pressing his hips against the boy atop of him. Jeremy, biting down on his best friends lips returned the moan as he struggled to get Michael's pants off.
Feeling him up outside his boxers, Michael couldn't get a single thought to cooperate. All he could think, see, smell, feel and want was Jeremy Heere.

His breath got harder, faster, more irregular as his best friend groped him. He wasn't going to last long. 

Seeing headlights outside his house Michael quickly rose to his feet. Jeremy looked at him, confused from having toppled over. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, his voice quiet. Michael, standing up in nothing but his hoodie and boxers, raging with blood to one single place in his body, stumbled slightly.

He let out a laughter. "WRONG? Are you insane?" Michael moved closer to his bedroom door, the confusion on his best friends face grew. "No..." Michael said, letting the O drag as he locked the door from inside. "But we don't wan't my mums running in, do we?" A smirk grew on both their faces as Michael sat down on the bed. Keeping his eyes locked with Jeremy's he patted his thighs, beckoning him over. Jeremy, with almost superhuman speed was once again on top of him, kissing down every centimeter of Michael's body. "I really do like you!" Jeremy hissed in his ear and as Michael ferociously kissed him he mumbled between their lips "My mothers would be thrilled..."

The End. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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My mothers would be thrilled - A Be More Chill Fanfic {JeremyxMichael} ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now