Dedication and Acknowledgments

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I want to start this story off by thanking a couple of people.

This book would not have been possible without the help of my best friend Emily (emilycd8), who is my partner in crime throughout all of this. She's my editor and cheerleader, switching between bouncing ideas off me, correcting my grammar, and just encouraging me with her excitement for this project.

I also want to thank my DnD group, because they are great and also pumped me up to write this. It might've been a joke at the time, but I'm actually pretty excited for what's to come.

Another thank you goes out to the coronavirus. I know, that's a weird one to thank, but truly, if it werent for all the boredom and time I suddenly have found myself with, I wouldn't have been able to even think of this book, let alone write it.

A huge thank you to my parents. I am very lucky to have parents that love and support me in everything I do. I love telling my mom a new chapter is going up and to see her get so excited to read it. 

And a very special thank you goes out to Ben. Even with corona, I didn't come up with this idea originally. My good friend here sent the idea of a world split by literacy to our group chat one night, and the idea captivated me. As soon as he gave me the go ahead to write it, I got to work on the baseline of this book.

Now this is in no way perfect. I am only a high school student who likes to write. But if you will let me, I want to be able to bring you into this world with me. So, in another special way, I'd like to thank YOU reader, for supporting me just by opening this book up for a try.

I also want to send a quick thank you to God. He the OG. Thank Him for giving me the talent and means to write like this and a family supportive of it.

Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to my little sister, Mariana: May her dreams continue to be as outrageous as they are now, and may she have the courage to reach for them.

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