Prologue- The Day Will Left

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Dear diary,

He left today. The love of my life left today. Moving to a new hospital farther away than I want it to be. I've been bawling my eyes out the past two hours. I decided to write during a little break in my crying spell, though the break might not last long.

I hate that things had to be like this. He was my everything. He was my light in the dark. He made me feel special, beautiful, different.....he made me feel complete. But now, he's gone. Will I ever see him again? I don't know. I can only hope and pray at this point.

My mom says I should try and distract myself. Maybe draw or listen to music or watch a movie, but nothing helps. Even going to see the babies in the NICU isn't helping like it used to. It just reminds me of the day we met, and makes me bawl even more.

At this point, I don't know when I'll be back to normal. Everything reminds me of him. Drawing, the NICU, the pool, my med cart- everything. I can't even look out the window without thinking of him. I honestly don't know if I'll even get any sleep tonight.

Well, it's almost time for dinner, and then medication. I'd better try to calm myself down so I can eat. I doubt I'll be able to eat much though. All I know is a miss him......more than anything. Will Newman will forever be the love of my life......and I'd give anything to have him back.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get this up, and I'm sorry this part is so short! Hopefully the next parts will be a bit longer. I'll try to update regularly! :)

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