Sam (Every Rose Has Its Thorn)

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Name: Sam

Demon Type: Siamese Cat

Age: 23

Height: 7'5"

Nationality: Australian

Born: November 1, 1996

Died: November 15, 2018

Likes: Playing guitar, Metal, Rock, his bandmates, being loud, joking around with friends, alchohol, his mom

Dislikes: bullies, his father, things that remind him of his father, paedophiles, people who annoy him

Abilities: night vision, sharp retractable claws, fast

Appearance: long tail, long curly hair like Metallica in their early years

Bio: for most of his life before joining Rose of blasphemy Sam suffered both emotional and physical abuse from his father eventually leading to him snapping and killing his father when he was 17 in order to try to keep sam safe his mother took the blame for his husband's murder and was sent to prison sam spent the next few years sam was raised by his grandmother parents and lived a better few years before meeting the future members of Rose of Blasphemy in the years after killing his father he suffers from minor PTSD from the abusive and is usually fairly introverted but can also be passive aggressive in a fun way

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