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When Harry wakes up again, it's to his sister poking him in the face with a cold set of keys and saying, "Jesus fucking Christ, Harry, ourmother had to see this."

Harry opens his eyes, first of all registering that he has a mouthful of Louis' hair obstructing his breathing, he's very cold and very naked, and that Louis' hand is in between his legs, sandwiched between his thighs. Under the blanket, thankfully, but it doesn't help the fact he's half-hard and his sister is here and – oh, god.

"G'way," Harry says, blinking awake. Louis is still dead asleep, nose pressed to his shoulder.

"We've just driven two hours in the snow, came up here to find your door open, you haven't packed, and you've got a naked boy in your bed, so no, I am not going to go away until I get an explanation." Harry squints up at her, trying to shift so he's facing upright but also so he doesn't fall off his bed.

"I told you come in the afternoon," he manages, voice rough as sandpaper. Gemma raises her eyebrows. "It's one o'clock, Harry. We've come straight from Sheffield."

Harry groans, slumping back on the pillow and throwing a hand over his eyes. Louis shuffles in his sleep next to him, hand still cupping his upper thigh, dangerously close to a...dangerously family-unfriendly place.

"We're going to get some lunch. Mum's recovering from her trauma in the corridor. Don't go back to sleep, all right? We'll be back in an hour."

"Whatever," he mumbles, already closing his eyes, and then nearly jumping out of his skin when Gemma empties his water bottle on his face.

"I mean it, twerp," is her parting warning as Harry splutters awake, Louis startled into consciousness next to him as well.

"What – the fucking hell – was that?" he gasps, hitting his arm on the wall as he wipes the water from his face. Harry just lies there, water trickling into his hair as he stares dazedly at the ceiling.

"My charming sister."

"Your sister? What?"

"Apparently I left the door open last night, I don't know how she got in the flat though – oh, gross, did I sleep on some chips?"

Louis' face melts into laughter as he watches Harry pick mushy cold chips off of his cheek, helping him pick some off the pillow and chuck it in the bin. He props his head on his hand, peering down at Harry and pinching his nipple, making him squirm.

"Lou," he says, groaning. "My mum is in the corridor."

"Sorry." He doesn't look it at all, smoothing his hand over Harry's stomach instead, thumb rubbing at his sternum. "Hey. About last night. You, er, remember everything?"

Harry nods solemnly, curling a hand around Louis' bicep. "I remember everything you said. And the chips." He pauses for a second, craning his neck to check Gemma has definitely gone. "And the blowjobs."

Louis' mouth curls into a smirk. "Right. The blowjobs that weren't supposed to happen. Drunk you was very insistent about that for about five minutes."

Harry makes a guilty face, pushing his wet hair out of his face. "Well, I kind of, um, stand by that, you know? I want to take it slow, if we're going to do this, or even if we're not. Just...start it all over again."

Louis nods, shifting so he's now lying face-down on the bed, pressing a soft kiss to Harry's upper arm.

"Yeah. I get it. And you're right, I think, about taking some time to think about stuff. But, you know." He rubs his nose gently against his skin. "If you wanted to come down to Doncaster and stay for a bit, I wouldn't be opposed to that. I've got fuck all to do on New Year's as all my friends are busy, so..."

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