Chapter 4

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I trudged along the roadside towards my car that was secretly parked a block away from the facility. To a passer-by, I would have just looked like a young woman headed for her car but in reality, I had just broken into the most famous underground labs, stolen files, been chased by a werewolf and escaped unharmed. Needless to say, my mind was whizzing from the adrenaline. 

                                                                                  Experiment 101s POV

I was sat in my cell about an hour ago before I felt a warm presence behind my viewing glass. It was feminine and sweet. I knew who it was immediately. My mate. She met my eyes and I was determined to get to her. She raised her hand slowly to the glass, as did I, both basking in the warmth of each other. Loud thuds and shouts started down the end of the hallway. She took one last glance at me as though memorizing me before sprinting off in the opposite direction.

I decided it would be best to break the glass, I charged at it and chased her through the maze of hallways. I had been without a mate for so long that I had just given in and let my wolf take over for centuries, therefore I had mostly lost the ability to speak. I went up the stairs and met her in there. Our eyes met once again and electricity was in the air... she looked... scared?


She walked off hastily towards her car. Did she not want me? Did she not realize that we were mates? Why was she running away?  I followed her closely behind in the woods as she took off down the road.

The night was still young as she approached a large building. I studied it carefully. It was loads of rooms put together with lots of doors she entered one which read: apt 229. Walking up the stairs, I scanned all the plain doors laid out in front of me and stopped at the one she went into. I could sense her. She was asleep, I could hear her little snore. She was so cute. I wanted her to be mine. 

Della's POV

I fell asleep on the couch in my miniature apartment which I had rented temporarily in the hope that I could get my job back. It didn't look that way though. 

Tapping on my window woke me from my haunted slumber. The room was black apart from the moonlight that shone through the small slits in the blinds. I studied the blinds before looking closer. A figure stood outside of my window looking at me. I hastily put my hand on my multi-tool in my pocket before creeping towards the latch on the door. 


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