Part 1

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I can't believe this is happening to me. I know my family doesn't care about me, but to actually sell me!? At the moment I'm walking next to a stranger to whom I've been sold to. It isn't actually selling me to him, but more like paying him to deliver me to a Mating run.

These Mating runs are illegal. That's why my aunt paid this man to deliver me there. She doesn't want to be connected to something illegal. She wouldn't want to tarnish the Mo family's name after all. That's why she paid this man to deliver me to a Mating run outside of the family's district. Mating runs are illegal because some people found them inhumane. They apparently found the treatment of the Omegas inhumane, but apparently some people still hold them while hiding from the authorities. I don't really understand since I don't know what happens during these Mating runs.

My family always despised me. It started with my aunt's jealousy of my mother. She thought she deserved better than my mother. Which is why she was very happy to learn of the disgraceful mistake my mother made. She got pregnant with the child of a married man. The man left shortly after and she hadn't heard from him since.

She became the disgrace of the family while my aunt took her place and became the head of the Mo family. My mother always thought my father would come back for his child, but before she could see the man again she passed away when I was 5. Afterwards things became worse for me. My family started to openly despise, abuse and humiliate me. They locked me in a shed and that shed became my new living environment. I wouldn't say it became my new home since I never considered it to be my home.

Because of the way I was treated, I never had the chance to learn many things. I don't know how to read or write. All the things I do know are from eavesdropping on conversations between servants. That's how I learned there are such things as cultivation and Mating runs, but what it exactly is I don't know. Another thing I heard about are the secondary genders. I learned Alphas are highly respected and Omegas not as much. Especially male Omegas. Apparently they have the ability to give birth which disgusts many people.

I don't know anything more than that. I only know it exists. I don't know the difference between the genders. One thing I heard gave me some hope. Apparently there is such a thing as fated mates. A person to care for you and love you no matter what. Of course this is the thing I want most but it seems to be very rare.

The years continued in this way but I kept my hope of finding my fated mate. But things took a turn for the worse when something strange happened to me. My body was unbearably hot and I couldn't move. I just had this urge to do something, but I didn't know what. After a while my aunt burst through the door with my cousin and two servants behind them. She said something about a stench and when she saw me on the floor she sneered at me, calling me a filthy Omega.

She left shortly after and left me alone. A few days passed with me suffering alone. When the symptoms finally lessened, my aunt came back with some servants. They grabbed me and dragged me out. The next thing I know I'm being handed over to a stranger while my aunt gives him money.

I really want to escape from this stranger, but I'm still exhausted from this thing that was apparently called a heat. I know that I won't be able to run far if I try to escape. The stranger remains silent and so do I. We finally reach our destination after a couple hours of walking. The stranger drags me to a spot and talks to a man in front of us. ''I have an Omega for participation in the run.'' The man looks up and looks me up and down and starts to sniff the air. ''Hmm quite a beauty and in post-heat as well. He'll do well.'' He signals to a man standing next to him.

The man comes forward and drags me away. He drags me to a spot that is filled with other Omegas. The Omegas are all put together and guarded. I can see the fear in some of their eyes. 'Looks like I'm not the only unwilling one.' Before the man leaves he grabs a cloth and rubs it on my neck. The cloth absorbs my scent and is put in a box.

A few hours pass like this. We were given a bit of water and little food. Since my heat just passed I'm absolutely starved and thirsty, but I don't dare to ask for more. The looks those guards give us makes me shudder. We are once again taken away and dragged to a new spot. We are now facing a forest and are lined up next to each other. We are all given a bottle to drink. Since I'm very thirsty I don't think about it and drink it in one gulp. Only afterwards when I look at the others I notice I made a mistake.

This wasn't just water. The others apparently know that and hesitated to drink it. But they have to drink it otherwise they will be forced to. So the other Omegas reluctantly drink it. When I notice the hesitation I become very wary of what I just drank. A man stands in front of us and starts to speak when all of us are finished drinking.

''Welcome to our Mating run. I'll keep this short and simple. You are all here to get mated-'' When I hear this I'm shocked. Mating is something you do with the one you love. With your fated mate. 'Does this mean I'll never get a fated mate because of this?' Despair fills me. The hope of a fated mate is what kept me going all this years. ''And you don't have a choice but to accept this fact. You'll all get a 30 minute head start on the Alphas that will chase you. After 30 minutes the Alphas will start to run and look for you and the contents of the bottle will kick in. What you all just drank is a heat inducer. This will allow the Alphas to mate you.''

WeiWuxian/LanWangji x M!omegareaderWhere stories live. Discover now