Getting to Know You

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Harry had only ever been on a little date here and there and almost all of them meant nothing. They were all dumb dates with girls he didn't even like, but felt he couldn't say no too either. He did like girls sure, but guys just seemed more fun. Ya, Harry preferred guys definitely. Specially ones with perfect blue eyes, caramel coloured hair and a nice bum. Ya Harry really did like Louis.

But that was what Harry had to keep reminding himself. He wasn't going on a date with Louis. No. They were simply hanging out for the afternoon. It's not a date. It's not a date. Harry kept telling himself, yet still he ended up staring into his closet looking for the perfect thing to wear for his not date.

He was starting to panic when he looked at the clock to find out he only had ten minutes left till Louis was supposed to arrive and still he hadn't picked out an outfit.

"Honey, what's taking so long?" Anne, his mom, said as she walked into the room. "Aren't you just hanging out for the day? How long does it take to pick out an outfit to hangout for the day?"

Harry didn't know what to say, because yes it shouldn't take this long, because yes they were just hanging out. But for some reason Harry felt the need to try and look his best for the outing.

"I... I don't know...”

"Harry, is this boy really just a friend? Because you know I don't care at all who you’re with, so if your with him I-"

"Mom! Stop. I'm not with him; we just met two days ago."

"You must at the very least like him then. Am I right?"

"Ya I guess so...” And ya he totally did, and he told his mom everything so really what's the point in hiding secrets now? "I mean ya, defiantly."

"Awe my little baby is growing up!" She said wiping a fake tear from her eye. "You hurry up and pick out an outfit then. Something simple if it’s not an official date I'd say. And-"

Anne was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing, signaling Louis' arrival no doubt.

"And I'll go get the door," she said smiling and leaving the room for Harry to quick throw on a plain white T-shirt and black skinny jeans.


Louis stood at the front door of Harry's home having a total internal brake down.

What if it wasn't even Harry's house? What if it was all a joke? What if they didn't get along and it was a super awkward afternoon?

His internal freak out was soon cut short as Anne opened the door.

"Hello there, you must be Louis, right?" She asked with a kind smile on her face.

"Yes, um...”

"Anne. Call me Anne. Come on in."

"Nice to meet you Anne. Are you Harry's mother then?"

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