Chapter one

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Ashleys Pov:

I woke up to the smell of bacon and i remembered today was my birthday and i was so excited because I always got super super excited on my birthday. I got up and walked downstairs and I saw my mom cooking while my dad was sitting at the counter with my older sister Sydney. "Good morning guys!" I told them cheerfully. "Hi sis!" Sydney said as I came to sit down beside her and my dad. "Hi Ash" my dad and mom said at the same time and it made me laugh because they always did that. "Happy birthday!" My dad told me kissing my forehead and I smiled up at him "Thanks dad" I told him greatfully. We began to eat breakfast and I looked up "So what did you guys get me?" I asked knowing they would keep my gifts as a surprise like they always do. My dad smirked at my mom and my mom smirked back at him and then he looked back at me "Well I have super super surprise for you but you aren't finding out til later on" He said patting me on the back gently and i laughed "Alright. What about you Sydney?" I asked her looking over at her me and her were so close we were almost like twins. "Well I'm in with their surprise so I can't tell you" Sydney said laughing while hugging me and I hugged her back giving her a smile. "Alright I'll wait" I said chuckling. "You better because we aren't going to tell you what it is until it's time" My dad said giving me a smile to tell me he was joking with me and I smiled back at him and nodded. "But Stephanie, Brett, Topher,and a lot of other people are coming over tonight that's all I'm going to tell you" My mom said smiling at me and I smiled getting more excited "Well now I can't wait for this surprise!" I said chuckling. "We are also!" Sydney said smiling at me and I smiled back at her. After eating I put my plate into the sink "I'm going to go change real quick" I told them while going upstairs.

Ashton's Pov:

What she doesn't know is that her favorite YouTuber is coming over as a surprise but we are all trying to keep it as a surprise because we really think she deserves this because she's such a sweet girl both my daughters are though. He was coming over at around 4:00 my daughter is just the biggest fan of him so a few days ago I had gotten a hold of him and I told him about her and that she wanted to meet so he agreed and he's coming today. She's just extremely deserving of this and I love seeing my sweet girls happy. 

Mila's Pov:

I'm so happy that Ashley gets to meet Collins because she has loved him for so long and she just deserves this so much. Her and Sydney weren't my biological daughters but i still loved them more than anything in the world and I'm extremely lucky to have such sweet and amazing daughters like them they are truly a blessing to me.

Sydneys Pov:

I was beyond happy for my sweet sister she absolutely deserved to meet Collins because I can tell that she really loves him and I can tell that he makes her really happy so I'm so happy for her. She's my best friend and my sister and we were just like twins even though I'm a year older than she is I still consider her my twin because we act alike.

Ashleys Pov:

I walked down the stairs and smiled at them they were all now watching TV. "So when are Uncle Topher and the rest coming?" Sydney and I said at the same time and looked at each other and started laughing. "Gosh sometimes I think you guys really are twins" My mom says smiling and my dad laughed "I know right" My dad said agreeing with her. "Well they are coming at around 3:00 and they were going to stay for a while because they wanted to see you and Sydney for a bit." My dad said smiling "Plus Brett and Steph are also going to come over" he added. I suddenly felt even more happier because they were both my best friends that I've known since i was a baby because their mom and dad was friends with my dad. "Im even more excited now!!" I said excitedly making my dad, mom, and Sydney smile "We love seeing you happy so much sweetie" My dad said hugging me and I hugged him back I felt him kiss my forehead gently. "Love you guys" I said looking at them. They all smiled at me "We love you so much more" Sydney said also giving me a hug and I hugged her back.

A/n: If you have enjoyed this part please please vote, comment, and share. Love you guys so so much and please stay safe and healthy. The next part will be even long so please stay tuned! 💙 Please enjoy!

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