Chapter 2~Introduction

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Narrorator POV

"Noo, shh"
"Y/N I swear down, if your not up in the next five seconds I'm telling your dad"

(Y/N) Shot up from her bed after hearing this.

"heh, that got you up" Papa chuckled and walked out."come on you have a busy day"

'that evil son of a cracker' the (h/c) girl muttered under her breath whilst getting out of bed.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" The loud hero yelled back at his Daughter walking back inside.
"nothing" the young girl replied putting on a sweet smile."just singing.."

"That's what I thought, hurry up and get dressed in your uniform before your dad is ready to leave, I'm off today for hero work but he's taking you to your first day of the UA hero course remember."Papa said before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

The girls (e/c) eyes brightened as she started to rummage through her closet for her uniform.

(Y/N) had dreamt of attenting the UA Hero course since her dad had first mentioned his class, and ever since then she was always asking to watch him and his class work practicals and exams. Of course her dad didn't always agree since his daughter had classes of her own to attend at her middle school, but in his daughters words that was 'too boring' so there was the special occasion were she would watch classes and even end up making friends with students and pros.

In other words she couldn't be late, she was looking forward to seeing her friends from the entrance exam. Especially katsuki, yeah she was on a first name basis and actually missed the hot headed katsuki bakugo, this being because When (Y/N) was adjusting to life with two pro heroes she had met Katsuki at the park, it wasn't the best first impression since he was found bullying a green haired little boy.

(Y/N) Had stood in front of the greenette and blown katsuki and his 'friends' away with her wind element quirk and  Since then both boys have had a high level of respect for the girl and left her, and each other (to Some aspect) alone.

Katsuki hadn't changed much, still making snide remarks here and there about Izuku. But then again Izuku was no longer the small quirklesss boy he once was, he was now much stronger and had some sort of super strength quirk.. Now that she looks back at it she remembers him not using it until the end of the exam, and that Was only to protect the brunette underneath it clearly. The robot that he destroyed with a single punch  was the 0 pointer meant To just be an obstacle though so it didn't look like he got any points.

Poor guy must be devasted, because I'm pretty sure he didn't know about the rescue points he earned..

I Had gotten in through recommendations from Nezu and my parents so I just watched.

(the entrance exam)

Present mic announced the start of the Entrance Exam and people immediately started running at the robots, all except a green haired boy.
'weird' (Y/N) had thought whilst sitting up a bit in her chair. She watched his frantic movement of the head, he looked lost and worried?

"what's he doing?" She had asked her papa.

"I don't know, but look there!" her Loud parent had yelled whilst pointing at a screen. She moved closer and looked to find an angry looking blonde breaking through Every single robot, he Was gaining a lot of points from this...

"He looks angry, doesn't he?" a pro from behind her commented.

"Hey, wait a second. Don't you know him (Y/N)?" Midnight asked.

"He does looks familiar?" The (e/c) eyed girl muttered.

Present Mic passed (Y/N) his papers in hopes of helping her.

"Katsuki Bakugo..." she whispered

"KATSUKI" She then yelled.
It was heard through the microphone so basically everyone in the exam heard it.

Katsuki looked up from where he was, getting distracted by the voice.'No one really calls him that?' He had thought
What he didn't notice was the big robot behind him getting ready to crush him.

(Y/N) Ran in front of hher dad and yelled down the microphone

Katsuki ended up turning back around and blasting the robot away thanks to the warning.
He grunted what seemed like a thankyou then continued fighting.

Meanwhile (Y/N) was getting scolded by her loud papa.

"You can't just help people (Y/N!)"
He scolded her, everyone else just watching from a far being scared of him.

"I'm sorry, but it's my fault he got distracted in the first place! I felt bad"
She had complained back.

"You shouldn't have yelled anyway"
He mumbled.

"I got excited! I missed him, what was I meant to do?" (Y/N) retorted back.

"oh I don't know, Not yell?" he scolded.

"uhh mic sir, the microphone is still on" a pro said tapping present mic.

The Father and daughter both turned to the microphone then screen in sync.
Everyone on the screens were looking around confused.

"Oops~" (Y/N) laughed awkwardly.

(back to present)

(Y/N) pulled on her shoes bouncing on one foot clearly in a rush after her dad had yelled out to her.

"COMING" She yelled back stuffing a granola bar in her mouth.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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