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~Jeanette's PoV~

I groan and opened my eyes
and sit up from the bed

Jeanette:"(Fuck i literally can't feel my legs, Damn it Eisuke)" I glance at the other side of the bed and didn't see Eisuke "He must have an urgent meeting today" I mumbled

Then my phone started to ring at the nightstand
I grab it and look at the caller and it was my little sister amd answered the call

Jeanette:"Is something wrong, Jess?"

Jessie:"Mom is missing!" She said

My eyes widen

Jeanette:"What?! Where are you and Dad right now?!" I asked standing up despite the aching that i felt

Jessie:"We're at the White Rose HQ right now"

Jeanette:"Alright i'm going there ok" I said and hang up and went to wear clothes

I rush out from our room and went down to the lounge to leave
The other guys we're there sitting down

Baba:"Oh~morning pretty lady-" But he got cut off when i slammed the door close hard when i left

I went to my car and called Akai then start to drive
And she answered

Akai:"Hey, what's wrong? You don't normally-" But i cut her off

Jeanette:"Mom is missing"

Akai:"What?!" She said

Jeanette:"I need you to come to the HQ ASAP"

Akai:"Alright, i'm on my way" She said then i hang up and keep driving

After a few minutes later
I finally arrived at the front of the HQ
and went of the car
and went straight up to Dad's office
I open the door and saw Dad and Jessie

Jeanette:"How did this happen?"

Dad:"I don't know i was deeply asleep earlier that i didn't know my own wife was missing" He said his hands on his face and we knew he was close to crying

Jessie patted Dad's back

Jeanette:"Who the hell has the guts to kidnapped Mom, i'll fucking kill whoever did this..." I said clearly angry

Then the doors open and it was the Tanaka brothers who went in

Kaito:"Boss! We heard what happend"

Hitoshi:"Don't worry Boss we'll find Mrs. Chizahra"

Jun:"I've already ordered some men to locate Mrs. Chizahra before we went up here"

Dad:"Thank you..." Is what he all said

Then the door opened again and this time it was Akai

Akai:"Jeanette a letter just came for you" She said giving a small blue envelope, i grab it and thank her

I opened it and a folded paper
was the inside of it
I unfold it and my eyes widen
A photo of Mom was in the paper but she was tied up on the chair with a duck tape on her mouth
Then at the bottom of the photo something was written:

[♾] "My One And Only Last Love" {KBTBB Fanfic} [REWRITE] Where stories live. Discover now