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"no, mingyu! it's not like that!" wonwoo shouted frustrated and slammed the book on the table. it was the second day of tutoring and wonwoo wad already losing his shit. mingyu was too dumb for wonwoo; said boy couldn't even understand the most simple sentences ever.

mingyu's brain didn't really go deep into the meaning and the boy thought of the first meaning that the sentence gave. he lacked on expressing his thoughts and feelings and didn't really know how to put words together; which resulted in him writing shallow essays with no sense whatsoever.

"can't you just put your brain to work? it's simple mingyu; just imagine as if you're there and you are going through what the character is feeling, try to describe it." wonwoo sighed and tried to convince him to keep trying, yet mingyu just shook his head and let his head drop on the desk exhausted.

"just let the book here and i'll start reading it. maybe i'll get into it better and try to understand whatever you're saying right now." wonwoo nodded in response and saw as mingyu's eyes were closed and he was drained out of energy; wonwoo had tried to force some imagination in mingyu's head in order to make him understand the book better, yet to no avail.

wonwoo just sighed and stood up from his chair, tapping mingyu on his shoulder and pointing towards the bed, signalling him that it was time for cuddles.

mingyu seemed to understand as a sudden boost of energy made his way to him; his eyes sparkled and it seemed like he was waiting for this moment to come the whole day. and really, he couldn't wait for his and wonwoo's cuddling session.

the taller rose up from his seat and picked wonwoo up, letting him down on the bed and soon plopping beside him. wonwoo didn't even have time to blink as he was shoved into a warm embrace and was met with a familiar and heart-fluttering kind of scent that he loved a lot, yet would never admit. 

"finally, i couldn't wait for this part of the day to come." mingyu whispered as he nuzzled into wonwoo and tightened his grip on the other's waist. wonwoo leaned closer and let himself become vulnerable to mingyu's comforting warmth, also been wanting for such moment to come.

"idiot." wonwoo muttered under his breath, nonetheless he kept cuddling closer to the giant, seeking for warmth. mingyu chuckled and started threading his fingers into his hair, just like wonwoo did to him a few days ago.

once mingyu started doing that, wonwoo unconsciously leaned closer to his touch and sighed in satisfaction.

"you know what amazes me; how much you push people away and build a wall, but once it comes to cuddling you're down to do that with anyone no matter how much you hate them. it's so adorable." mingyu giggled as he mindlessly continued to play with wonwoo again, making wonwoo flustered for the nth time with the choice of his words.

mingyu didn't realize how much of a big impact he had on wonwoo; he let out such words as if they were nothing and wonwoo was emotionless towards them. he wasn't supposed to feel anything at all, yet every time it happened he found himself blushing hard for some reason.

"i-i got no comment." wonwoo huffed and closed his eyes, deciding to focus on the other's soothing hands doing some kind of magic to him. mingyu giggled and wonwoo swore his heart fluttered at such cute sound coming from the other.

"what do you think about the book?" mingyu brought up the topic randomly, wanting to keep the conversation between him and wonwoo keep going. he felt the shorter shuffle in his arms and burying his head in his neck, feeling his hair tickle his chin.

"first of all, it's hetero, which is why it's disgusting." wonwoo pointed out and mingyu let out a chuckle in response, all ears to what wonwoo was about to add. "second, i really think that it doesn't make any sense. like, how the hell are two people who are completely the opposite of each other fall in love. like, imagine me and you doing that; we're both the opposite, it can't work!"

once wonwoo said that, he quickly put his hand over his mouth and looked at mingyu with wide eyes. he had not meant to say that out loud; he didn't know what the hell was up with him in that moment.

"are you assuming something, wonu?" mingyu smirked as he raised an eyebrow suspiciously, finding it entertaining how wonwoo was being such a cute flustered mess and was stuttering over his own words; trying to find a valid explanation about what he said, when really- there was no such thing.

"i didn't mean that! i hate you, i'll never consider myself in a relationship with you. never." wonwoo sent mingyu a glare and was about to get up from his bed, when mingyu wrapped his arms around his body once again and pulled him down in bed with him, letting him no chance to escape.

mingyu's arms were really something else; they trapped you and didn't give you a chance to escape no matter what.

"whatever you say, wonwoo. now, stay here, i wanna take a nap." mingyu whispered and hugged the other from behind, burying his head in the other's neck in the process.

wonwoo let out a shaky breath and nodded his head, finding no courage to go against mingyu's wish. as much as he wanted to go against what mingyu wanted, he couldn't do that. mingyu had become his cuddle buddy just because he had desperately asked him; if it weren't for the giant tan-skinned male wonwoo would still be cuddling his pillows to sleep by now.

and second, he had wanted a cuddle buddy since the beginning- and now that he finally had one, why did he have the urge to push him away?

wonwoo wasn't dumb; all the heart-fluttering and him becoming a flustered mess whenever mingyu said something to him were enough for him to understand that he may or may not have developed a small crush on him. the thing was, due to how many romance books he had read, he was scared to actually experience love because so many things could go downhill in a split second.

furthermore, wonwoo knew that his personality was a tough and complicated one. he was afraid that mingyu would get bored of him quickly and give up on his mood swings and stupid things he did because of his cold attitude. and not only mingyu, but anyone.

he was just a person with a lot of insecurities and overthinking which got the best of him most of the time, and he was afraid he'd mess something up in the process.

so maybe, just maybe, preventing himself from developing more than just a crush for mingyu, would make the predictions of wonwoo never happen. call him a coward or anything, but he was just a hopeless romantic that found himself lost in the addictive feeling when reading a romance book, but when it came to him dealing with his feelings and his nonexistent love life, the books were a better option to choose.

yet again, once wonwoo turned around to face mingyu, every single negative thought vanished and was replaced with hope instead.

what if mingyu was one decent person? what if he proved himself worthy and knew how to love someone?

"i'm supposed to hate you and your dumbass.." wonwoo whispered with a frown, looking at him the whole time he was sleeping.

the boy was so close to him, yet so far to reach, so wonwoo did what was the best thing he could do; face the ceiling and lose himself in his thoughts of how would it feel to actually be with mingyu.

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