Gods and Demi-gods

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Ash's pov

When I opened my eyes, I was met with an unfamiliar face. A man with black hair and red eyes was looking at me. I jumped up from where I was lying, only to realize that I was bound in chains. He just smiled at me and then stroked my hair. I wanted to advert his hands but they were to strong. I whimpered in fear, as I recalled what had happened. That's right. I was kidnapped by my own brothers. I most have been brought here. I don't like it here This man scares me and I hate meeting new people. I don't like it one bit. It's terrifying.

"I see that you are awake. Did you have a good sleep my dear?. Don't worry, I will take special care of you. I will not allow anyone to dirty this beautiful body of yours my dear pet" He said still stroking my hair. I don't want it. I hate it. I hate when people touch me. It freaks me out. I just want him to get his hands out of my hair. Leave me alone. I never thought my brothers will resorts to selling me off. I know they hate me but I never thought that they would do this.

"Don't worry my dear. Your brother's did not sell you. They merely gave you to me as a direct order from me. They would never disobey me. They are my servants. In fact, I believe that they are waiting to see you. Your older sister and your best friend are here too" He said pointing in a direction.

I looked up and my best friend or the person I thought was my friend was standing there smiling down at me. I looked at her in confusion and pain. How could she do this to me and what amazed me, was that she was the first outsider that I can talk to without having a panic attack and without stammering. She was just standing there doing nothing and my sister, I should have known. She doesn't say anything to me but she isn't on friendly terms with me either. She probably loathes me but the question now is, what does this man want with me?.

"Ah! I see you have a lot of questions but you must be really hungry. Why don't you eat first and then we will discuss the reason why you are here" He stated an snapped his fingers and within seconds, someone appeared with a plate of food. He took some of it and was about to feed me, but I brushed his fingers off. I don't want to eat.

"You will eat my dear or I will force feed you" He stated and I whimpered but didn't open my mouth, so he did result to force feeding me and it was really painful. After he was done, he went back to petting my hair, telling me what a bad boy I was.

"Now that, that's over. Where were we? Oh yes! you wanted an explanation. Well first of all, you are special. You are what we can call a demi-god from your father's side. You and your brother are the only ones in the family who have the power and as you can imagine, your brothers aren't too happy about it. They loath both of you and when I told them that we can use you as power source, for them to gain powers, they readily agreed. They tired to get your twin sister into it but it didn't work out very well due to a very stubborn servant who ran away from home. Oh! well. You are here so that's all that matters. Also don't you think that you will make a beautiful bride for me?" He said with a sly smile while touching me with those disgusting hands.

I can't believe this. I don't want to be his bride. That's the last thing I want to do and I am not a freaking girl plus Jeff and Davis said I was their mate. That means that I belong to them not him. I don't want him. I hope that my mates come and save me and fast. I can't stand this place any longer. I think that I am going to have a panic attack as my breath shortened and I started heaving.

"Is something wrong my dear?. You look very distressed. Why don't you go to sleep for now. I prepare the most beautiful clothes for you when you awake. So don't worry about what to wear" The man said with a sly smile. After he was done speaking, he put his hands on my forehead causing me to immediately lose consciousness.


"Sinus you won't get away with this" Was the first thing I heard when I came through. I took me a while to adjust ad realize that it was my brother speaking.

"Oh! and you will stop me" The man who kidnapped me stated.

Immediately he said that, the ground started to tremble causing me to whimper in fright. I have to just come out of a panic attack. I don't want to get into another one but the trembling didn't stop and it was freaking me out. I was forced to open my eyes and see what was going on. My brother and sister were there glaring at the man who is holding me captive. I looked at my captor and clearly saw the panicked look on his face. He glared at brother and mates and immediately stood from his sit, dragging me with him. He did get far before he was struck by something. It was a lighting flash and when I turned to see where it came from, what I saw amazed me. My father was standing there majestic and brimming with power.

"Boys, I think it's about time you awakened to your full power" he stated as he appeared next to me in a flash and did some to me. Suddenly, I felt as if a chain that was holding me has been broken. I no longer feel any stress or anxiety. I felt free, not to mention the memories that I have been holding back have been returned.

I smiled and the glared at the man who have caused all of the and to my siblings who helped him and then to my so called best friend. I haven't really gotten over her betrayal. She just looked at me with eyes wide open just like the rest of them.

"Don't get cocky because you suddenly gained powers" One of my brothers shouted as he rushed to take us on.

"That's enough" My dad's voice boomed throughout the place and every one became still. Oh! yeah, he is a god. It's hard to believe but it's through.

"Sinus, what do you hope to achieve by kidnapping my son?. I hope you weren't planning on brain washing him to join you, hoping that you would gain the power of a god" He said looking down at the coward that calls himself a man.

"Not just that, I hard a feeling that you would come running to your son, so I have taken measures to destroy you. You will not leave here alive, god of the sun" The man exclaimed, clicking his hands to activate whatever the hell he planted.

"Are you stupid?. I knew about your plan from the start, since you came in contact with my son, 11 years ago. Oh! and I took the pleasure of releasing the boy that you have kept enslaved to you. I believe that he has been mated to my older son" My dad said and I looked at him curiously.

"Now vanish from my sight all of you" As he said that, the place started to shake again and my brother cast a spell that transported all of us out of the place.


Jeff's pov

It has been two days since the incident and I still can't believe what happened and what was said. My mate is a demi-god and his father is the god of the sun Apollo. He is related to our goddess and what's more is that he has been among us all this time and we didn't even notice. Damn. I think our live have become even more complicated. Our mate have been acting weird ever since we came back. It is as if his innocence never existed. Right now, I am sitting on the sofa with brother in my office, when the door opened and our mate came running in.

"HEY!!" He screamed and bounced on us. Well that was random.

"Um....I want to mate with you guys" He said out of the blue

"Are you sure love?" I asked unsure but he nodded, with determination. He looked at us and so that we are still unsure, so he took it upon himself to try and seduce us and boy did it work.

He started by striping off his clothes and I really couldn't hold myself back and the same goes for my brother. I just picked him up, causing him to laugh out loud. I smiled at that. Come to think of, I think that I really loving this new personality of his. I guess it's time to mate with my dear little pumpkin. We carried him into our bedroom and took our time marking him as we ours.

Yep, we had one hell of a long night.

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